Janet Sumner Johnson
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Star Trek

This vs. That: Star Wars vs. Star Trek


23, 2011 |

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I’m a little leary of a backlash by enraged fans after posting the results of this one, but since I’m a risk taker, I’ll go for it.

First though, I have to admit, the voting surprised me this time around. And apparently, this is a burning question to many folks out there in cyberspace. It was like a double contest: first in the voting, and second in the searches used to find the post. Did they search using STAR WARS vs. Star Trek, or STAR TREK vs. Star Wars?

Okay, I won’t keep you in suspense any longer. Here are the results:

Total votes: 21

Star Wars: 9 votes; 43%
Star Trek: 6 votes; 29%
Neither: 3 votes; 14%
Impossible to choose: 2 votes; 9%
Need more info: 1 vote; 5%

And, because I know you’re all dying to know, here’s the second unofficial contest from the searches:
Star Wars vs. Star Trek: 9
Star Trek vs. Star Wars: 9

Yup, exactly equal as of the writing of this post. Fascinating.

[UPDATE: Star Trek surged into the lead with 12 searches as of this morning!]

Perhaps my fandom totally blinded me on this one, but I really thought Star Wars would be the obvious choice (except, of course for you, Vicki!). So yes, I voted Star Wars. Lets just say that even my two-year old knows who Anakin is, and insists on finding a Star Wars book to check out of the library whenever we go. And she’s a girl. (Not that that SHOULD have anything to do with it, but *ahem* there we are).

So, now that I’ve enraged a bunch of people (I’m sure), on to the next debate:


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This vs. That: Blue vs. Black Ink


23, 2011 |

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So I can only assume that ink color isn’t really that important to you based on the number of votes. OR, you were all completely distracted by my announcement that I was going to Paris. Which must be the case, because ink color is one of the big questions in my book.

I mean, someone who chooses Blue ink over Black is making a clear statement that they have chosen the road less traveled. And those who choose Green are all about flaunting their non-conformist attitude. Red reveals a Type A personality, and Purple . . . well, they probably saw a little too much of a certain dinosaur who shall remain nameless.

So much at stake. So here we go . . .

Total votes: 14

Black: 9 votes; 65%
Blue: 3 votes; 21%
Purple: 1 vote; 7%
Red: 1 vote; 7%

I confess, I went black.

So what does this say about me? See, black goes with everything, and it’s sensible and to the point. Not flashy or showy, but it does its job, day-in, day-out, with only a little complaining when the sun shines too hard. Then it turns purple, and we already know what that means.

My, I’m feeling a bit rambly today. I’d better move on quick!

So the next important question?

Star Wars


Star Trek

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Dear Grammar Nazi


09, 2010 |

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Dear Grammar Nazi,

I need your help. Your answer will effect a lot of people as we have a little bet going on at the office. See, Bill in Accounting says that ‘affect’ is a verb and ‘effect’ is a noun, but I’ve been using verbs for years now, and I’m certain ‘effect’ is a verb.

Rita in HR says we should ‘just look in a stinkin’ dictionary for crying out loud,’ but I trust you over a guy named “Merri” any day. So who’s right?

Counting on your help to pay off the bowling jersey and matching shoe set I splurged on. Best dressed bowler on the office team, baby!

Mr. Kirk N. Scottie

Dear Mr. Scottie,

Wow, I hate to think what kind of bets are taking place in your office that what I say would effect actual people. Right up there with the birds and bees. But perhaps you only meant I might affect people. I’ll pretend you did.
Ironically, you are both right.
Affect is a verb, as in to influence. For example:
Effect is a noun that can also be used as a verb. Noun:
And as a verb, meaning to cause or bring about:
Hope that helps as I’ve given you all that I got, capt’n.

The Grammar Nazi

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