So last week I admitted that my favorite type of chocolate chip cookies are the ones with NO chocolate chips. I invited you all to give your suggestions for a new name, and here’s what we have so far:
I have my favorite, but I really think we need to vote on this. But if I don’t like the results, I may have to play evil dictator. Just sayin’. 😉
What’s your vote?
*With so many new options, if you need to change your vote, go for it!
I’m a little leary of a backlash by enraged fans after posting the results of this one, but since I’m a risk taker, I’ll go for it.
First though, I have to admit, the voting surprised me this time around. And apparently, this is a burning question to many folks out there in cyberspace. It was like a double contest: first in the voting, and second in the searches used to find the post. Did they search using STAR WARS vs. Star Trek, or STAR TREK vs. Star Wars?
Okay, I won’t keep you in suspense any longer. Here are the results:
Total votes: 21
Star Wars: 9 votes; 43%
Star Trek: 6 votes; 29%
Neither: 3 votes; 14%
Impossible to choose: 2 votes; 9%
Need more info: 1 vote; 5%
And, because I know you’re all dying to know, here’s the second unofficial contest from the searches:
Star Wars vs. Star Trek: 9
Star Trek vs. Star Wars: 9
Yup, exactly equal as of the writing of this post. Fascinating.
[UPDATE: Star Trek surged into the lead with 12 searches as of this morning!]
Perhaps my fandom totally blinded me on this one, but I really thought Star Wars would be the obvious choice (except, of course for you, Vicki!). So yes, I voted Star Wars. Lets just say that even my two-year old knows who Anakin is, and insists on finding a Star Wars book to check out of the library whenever we go. And she’s a girl. (Not that that SHOULD have anything to do with it, but *ahem* there we are).
So, now that I’ve enraged a bunch of people (I’m sure), on to the next debate:
Now that Thanksgiving is well past, I suppose it’s time to tally up the votes for the White meat vs. Dark meat competition. So here we go:
Total votes: 19
White meat: 11 votes; 58%
Dark meat: 6 votes; 32%
Both + veggies: 1 vote; 5%
Tofu: 1 vote; 5%
Now that’s better—a few exceptions to add a little spice. And I admit, I wasn’t sure how to figure in the votes that were contingent upon specific conditions, so I used the “eeny-meeny method.” I’m sure that didn’t affect the numbers at all. 😉
I have to say, I’m rather surprised that white meat won. I totally went for dark. None of this flip-flopping just because I grew up . . . wait, or did I? I can’t remember. Definitely doesn’t seem like it.
So now that this is becoming a semi-regular feature on my blog, maybe I should name it or something. We shall see. But I am especially excited for this next little competition. Are you ready?
A few years back I went to a conference, and Shannon Hale asked this question of us: Are you a character writer or a plot writer? Do you come up with characters and then discover their story? Or do you think of a fascinating plot or situation and build from there?
At the time, I wasn’t sure. I debated the finer points of my writing style, but couldn’t decide. Now I laugh at myself for that.
I am a character writer all the way. I discover a character, and then I learn their story through painstaking effort. Painstaking, I tell you. I have to work hard for that plot.
So what are you?