Won 2nd
prize in the county fair (I thought this deserved its own bullet point)
hand-shaken ice-cream with my kids (4th annual, baby!)
the Sweet Sixteens debut author group
Summer is now in full swing, and rather than fight, I’ve decided to succumb and embrace the crazy. So I’ll be taking a blogging break from now to the end of August.
In the mean time, here are some summer pictures to enjoy:
The last day of school:
The Drive-in:
And of course, Ice Cream!
Have a great summer!
We did it.
We came.
We saw.
We got on Skype at the same time (even though Amy’s mic was broken so I had to talk to her on the phone).
We even had the same kind of ice cream.
And our nine-year-old boys STUFFED OUR FACES. (Mine may have enjoyed it a little too much. If you listen closely, you can hear him cry with wicked glee, “This is the most amazing day of my life!” Uh huh.)
Here’s my video evidence of the grand competition.
But we have a little problem. Amy and I are in grave disagreement about who won. Amy says I ate the most ice cream. I say she ate the most ice cream. We need your help.
Who ate the most? Watch Amy’s video here to decide and leave a comment on one of our blogs. We’ll add up the votes and make our decision on Wednesday. Then we’ll announce the ULTIMATE WINNER of our blog competition next Monday (find out what the awesome prizes are here).
And one last congrats to all our friends! You KNOW we love you after seeing these videos, right? 😉
P.S. I sense questions coming over the little cutie trying to get in on the ice cream eating action. Her arm, you ask? Yup, it’s newly broken. But it’s just a hairline fracture, and she’s a trooper. She’s more upset by the splint than the break. She’ll be back to good health before you can blink. 🙂
Holy Cow, has it really been a MONTH since I posted?!
Unbelievable. So I stayed busy doing this:
Yes, it has been over a month since the Cake vs. Ice Cream debate. But as this is such a pressing issue, I couldn’t let it slide. People breaking rules left and right, but *sigh* I suppose I’ll let it pass. Again. 😉
Ready for the results?!
Total votes: 31
Cake: 14 votes; 46%
Ice Cream: 13 votes; 42%
Gelato: 1 vote; 3%
Icing: 1 vote; 3%
Ice Cream Cake: 1 vote; 3%
Depends (as in depends on the situation, not the brand called Depends): 1 vote; 3%
The cool thing is that I got to throw in the deciding vote. Woo hoo! I feel the power coursing through my veins . . . oh wait, that’s the Snickers bar I ate earlier.
Okay, so the next pressing issue that MUST be decided:
A Cruise
So I have to follow up on the chocolate/peanut butter debate. Here are the results:
Total votes: 33
Peanut Butter: 3 votes; 9%
Chocolate: 23 votes; 70%
Both (which wasn’t even a choice, people!): 7 votes; 21%
Technically, another 7 grudgingly chose chocolate, but would have preferred both. In that case, chocolate got 16 votes, being 48%; and both got 14 votes, being 42%.
Still, chocolate won. Alas, I was on the peanut butter side. I feel so alone!
This time, we need a harder question. Got it . . . Ice cream or cake? (Any flavor)