Janet Sumner Johnson
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Aug 06, 2012 Uncategorized 17 comments

Hello, all my long lost bloggy friends! After nearly two months of absence, I’m back, though it may take me some time to regain my sea legs. So for today, I give you my list of what I accomplished while I was gone:

  1. Moved halfway across the country with a husband and 3 small children.
  2. No one killed each other in said move.
  3. Finished the first draft of my WIP (hurray!)
  4. Did not rip said draft into pieces. Yet.
  5. Bought a couch. In two hours. (I know! Perhaps my biggest accomplishment all summer.)
  6. Beat my sister in Words With Friends by nearly 200 points. (Heehee. Sorry Reb . . . I had to tell someone.)

Anywho, I won’t bore you with the rest of my minutiae. What did you accomplish this summer?


17 Responses to β€œHallooo!”

  1. Huge congrats on your WIP!
    And that is a pretty awesome score… πŸ™‚

  2. Slamdunk says:

    Welcome back Janet and it sounds like a memorable summer for you. Just treading water here and entertaining kids off from school, but I do have a beach trip next week to look forward to.

  3. Old Kitty says:

    Oh wowowowoowowoowow!!! Yay!! Welcome back!!! Awwwww so happy to see a post from you!! Yay!!!

    And look how busy you've been!!! Blimey!!! Am in total AWE!!

    Take care

  4. Welcome back, Janet. I just returned from a break too, and will be going on another one next week.

  5. Congrats on all of these achievements! I need your help getting a couch… I'm so happy about you finishing your WIP. Amazing news.

  6. Yay! So glad to have you back! And what a list of accomplishments! Awesome about your WIP! Let's see… the main thing I've accomplished is 20 college visits in some ridiculous number of states. My 9 month old car has 30,500 miles on it already!

  7. I can't decide which one is the biggest accomplishment – a couch in two hours is impressive… πŸ˜‰

  8. "5.Bought a couch. In two hours. (I know! Perhaps my biggest accomplishment all summer.)"

    …takes me months to decide on furniture.

    I bought a mattress this summer in like 10 minutes. I almost shocked the salesperson into a coma. Little did he know that I had been shopping around for 6 months. πŸ˜‰

  9. Welcome back, Janet! πŸ˜€ I missed you so much!

    I accomplished VERY LITTLE this summer. Not as much as you! I'm whittling away at my WiPs, but it's slow going. I took a sizable break this past week while my laptop was broken and now I'm diving back in. *cracks knuckles*

  10. Those are some seriously impressive accomplishments! Where did you move to?

  11. Hi Janet .. so pleased the move went off ok – sounds as though it was successfully completed.

    Like you I'm adapting to 'a new life' but for a very different reason – and looking forward to the future.

    Have a happy rest of the summer – and so glad you've finished your WIP … well done – Hilary

  12. LTM says:

    ROCK ON! You're back. :o) ((hugs)) Well, I got a book deal–that was in May, does it count? But then I had some other stuff happen…

    We traveled a lot. And I'm hoping we found a school we'll love.

    You have accomplished a TON! Moving itself is huge. And great work on the WIP, my writing partner. Here's to bigger and better~ <3

  13. Brandon Ax says:

    Moved as well, and started some heavy querying on my manuscript. Congratz on finishing your draft, now for some fun revising :).

  14. Marcia says:

    Finishing the draft in the midst of moving is a great accomplishment!

  15. What a summer, and those are some great achievements! Very impressive on Words with Friends which reminded me to send you a facebook friend request!

  16. What a summer, and those are some great achievements! Very impressive on Words with Friends which reminded me to send you a facebook friend request!

  17. Jemi Fraser says:

    I don't know that game, but it looks like fun!

    Congrats on keeping everyone alive during the move and the wip!

    I've been blasting away at words this summer too. Finished one wip that is now marinating and I'm about 20k into the next πŸ™‚

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