Words With Friends
Hello, all my long lost bloggy friends! After nearly two months of absence, I’m back, though it may take me some time to regain my sea legs. So for today, I give you my list of what I accomplished while I was gone:
- Moved halfway across the country with a husband and 3 small children.
- No one killed each other in said move.
- Finished the first draft of my WIP (hurray!)
- Did not rip said draft into pieces. Yet.
- Bought a couch. In two hours. (I know! Perhaps my biggest accomplishment all summer.)
- Beat my sister in Words With Friends by nearly 200 points. (Heehee. Sorry Reb . . . I had to tell someone.)
Anywho, I won’t bore you with the rest of my minutiae. What did you accomplish this summer?
Speak up:
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Reb's Photos,
Words With Friends