Hello, all my long lost bloggy friends! After nearly two months of absence, I’m back, though it may take me some time to regain my sea legs. So for today, I give you my list of what I accomplished while I was gone:
- Moved halfway across the country with a husband and 3 small children.
- No one killed each other in said move.
- Finished the first draft of my WIP (hurray!)
- Did not rip said draft into pieces. Yet.
- Bought a couch. In two hours. (I know! Perhaps my biggest accomplishment all summer.)
- Beat my sister in Words With Friends by nearly 200 points. (Heehee. Sorry Reb . . . I had to tell someone.)
Anywho, I won’t bore you with the rest of my minutiae. What did you accomplish this summer?
Speak up:
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Reb's Photos,
Words With Friends