Janet Sumner Johnson
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A Bit of Good: Update on the Library Project


16, 2015 |

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With all the terrible things that have happened throughout the world over the past few days, it can be easy to forget that there is good in the world, too. While I know it doesn’t change what happened, or fix things for those who are suffering right now, I want to tell you about a little of that goodness.

Last week I reached out to you–to the world of social media. I didn’t know what to expect, but you all blew me away between the sharing of my post, the offers to send books, and the monetary donations. I haven’t received the books yet, so I can’t show you a picture of that, but here’s a peek at the GoFundMe page:

People are good and kind and generous. They reach out to strangers. They offer help in the ways they can. People I didn’t even know donated money. People I’ve never met are shipping off books.

Thank you! Thank you so much for being you. For being generous humans who spread good in the world. Thank you! I can’t express how touched I’ve been at your support.

For any who would still like to participate, we will be collecting books and donations over the next couple of months. For more information, please visit the original post that explains it all.

Now, one more thing. My 11-yo wanted to write in support of the cause, and I promised I would post it for him:

Dear readers,                                                                          
To you readers, I ask you this, how would you feel if you had almost no books to read? I would feel devastated, it would make me less curious, although that
might not sound bad to you, take some time to imagine what that amounts to: . .
. now that you have thought about it, I hope you realize the full gravity of
helping those children on Kiribati.
how thankful they’ll feel to have such a great gift to enjoy and share. I hope
you know to expect nothing but an unseen and unheard thank you along with the
knowledge that you helped someone besides yourself.
sincerely hope now that you will help those children.
                                                            11-yo. J. 

Before I leave you, I want to give a heard and seen THANK YOU for your help.

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
You ARE making a difference in these kids’ lives.

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The Fabulous Blogosphere


07, 2011 |

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We are part of a fabulous blogosphere. So many great people out there who are so generous with their time and resources. I just wanted to tell a few people in blog land thanks:

I won a beautiful wooden box from Vicki over at The Ron Empire Wants You! (She’s one of my wonderful CP’s who writes beautifully!) So, thank you!

I won a signed copy of The Last Sacrifice by Richelle Mead from Tracy over at Forever Endeavor. I have five books to read before I can use it, but I’ve heard great things about it and am very excited. Thank you!

I won a $10 giftcard for Amazon from Racquel Henry over at Racquel Writes. She is pretty amazing, co-founding and co-editing her own magazine, The Black Fox Literary Magazine. Thank you!

Finally, I wanted to thank Martina and Lisa over at Adventures in Children’s Publishing who are hosting a First Five Pages Workshop. I was able to sneak in as one of the five entries for this round. Another round will be starting on March 12. Their critiques are so thorough! Definitely worth it. So if you care to, feel free to read the entries (I’m #3, wink, wink). And thank you, thank you!

Hope you all have a great Monday! And I hope you find someone to thank for something. 🙂

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14, 2010 |

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So, I’m feeling all kinds of grateful today, and I wanted to thank some people. First, of course, all of ya’ll, for coming and commenting and following. I’ve loved getting to know you all through this whole blogging thing. 🙂

Then, I have been uber lucky to win some contests. And I wanted to thank them for having such great contests!

  1. I won Lynn’s 100-follower contest at Place to Create. I’m already drooling over the books I’ll choose at Amazon. 
  2. I won some chocolate from Gail at Write From the Soul &Visualeyes. Yumm! 
  3. I won a prize package from Michelle McLean in her WooHoo I’m Finished Grand Give-away. 
  4. And I won an ARC of Nightshade by Andrea Cremer from Shelli at Market My Words. I know you’re all jealous! 😉

In light of all these wins, I’d feel extremely ungrateful if I didn’t take this opportunity to thank random.org. So thank you, random.org, for showing me some love!

And finally, I have to thank my sweet man for supporting me in my craziness, and putting up with my constant stream of questions about what he thinks of my writing. Without him, I wouldn’t be doing this. Thank you Bunches!

Who is the greatest support of your writing?

P.S. And just a quick note, Jessie has hit 101! Hurray for her! So be sure to come back Wednesday, when we’ll host our 101 Followers Giveaway.

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