Janet Sumner Johnson
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Jun 14, 2010 Uncategorized 20 comments

So, I’m feeling all kinds of grateful today, and I wanted to thank some people. First, of course, all of ya’ll, for coming and commenting and following. I’ve loved getting to know you all through this whole blogging thing. πŸ™‚

Then, I have been uber lucky to win some contests. And I wanted to thank them for having such great contests!

  1. I won Lynn’s 100-follower contest at Place to Create. I’m already drooling over the books I’ll choose at Amazon. 
  2. I won some chocolate from Gail at Write From the Soul &Visualeyes. Yumm! 
  3. I won a prize package from Michelle McLean in her WooHoo I’m Finished Grand Give-away. 
  4. And I won an ARC of Nightshade by Andrea Cremer from Shelli at Market My Words. I know you’re all jealous! πŸ˜‰

In light of all these wins, I’d feel extremely ungrateful if I didn’t take this opportunity to thank random.org. So thank you, random.org, for showing me some love!

And finally, I have to thank my sweet man for supporting me in my craziness, and putting up with my constant stream of questions about what he thinks of my writing. Without him, I wouldn’t be doing this. Thank you Bunches!

Who is the greatest support of your writing?

P.S. And just a quick note, Jessie has hit 101! Hurray for her! So be sure to come back Wednesday, when we’ll host our 101 Followers Giveaway.


20 Responses to β€œThanks!”

  1. No kidding about random.org showing some love. It's been showing me tons of love lately as well. The number of books I've been winning (including my first ARC–also from Shelli's blog) is amazing.

    Congrats on all your wins, Janet!

    My husband and kids have been wonderful in their support. My husband doesn't read my books (YA romantic suspense), but then he doesn't read any fiction. But he has been supportive in many other ways. My kids are all writing books (including my 6 yo) because I am. It's great. πŸ˜€

  2. Vicki Rocho says:

    That's a lot of winning! Maybe I should be taking myself OFF the contest shelf one of these days??

    I am grateful that LAST week when our truck was in the shop and my hubs had the car, that it did NOT rain when I walked my daughter to piano lessons. There were ominous clouds, but the rain held off…we could have been SOAKED since it's a mile each way…

  3. Lynn says:

    Wow, you really had a great month of winnings! And I like that you threw in that your thankful for your husband who is a big supporter of your writing. I'm grateful my now 17 year old (birthday today) is growing up to be a wonderful woman.

  4. Lucky lady!
    I am grateful for my two crit groups. They're on my mind because I have one get-together today and one tomorrow!

  5. I had to rub your blog for a little good luck today – congrats on all your contest wins!

  6. Joanne says:

    Congrats on all your wins, much fun going on over here πŸ™‚

    My family is my biggest supporter. Without my daughters and husband, writing just wouldn't be complete.

  7. JustineDell says:

    Wow! You are one lucky girl! Congrats to all the wins πŸ˜‰

    I'm not sure who my biggest supporter is. Pretty much the whole fam and the beta. They are all awesome.


  8. Super wins!!!! Congratulations on all of the,. I love that you've blogged about them. And that you thanked random.org. Aren't they thoughtful?

    Hurray for Jessie!!

  9. Holy Crap! You should go play at the casino!

  10. mi says:

    go out and buy lottery tickets! now while you're still oozing your winning power!

  11. Sandy Shin says:

    Ooh, yay, congratulations on all your wins! I've won a few things as well, and am always grateful to random.org. (Except for the times when I didn't win. ;))

  12. Congrats on all your wins. With that streak of luck maybe buy a lottery ticket. πŸ˜‰
    Looking forward to your contest too.

  13. Lenny says:

    wow you sure won a lot of prizes. contests are sooo cool! i won one time and got my favorite candy for a prize in the mail. hooray for peanut butter cups! since mom and dad died my most support for my stories is my brothers and my sister. my doctor is one too cause she likes my stories a lot and says i should write more. it feels good that some one says my stuff is pretty neat to read and it makes me want to do more stories.
    …hugs from lenny

  14. Aww! It's so nice to see someone giving shout outs to people who've had contests. I don't see it all that often, but it's true, having contests is a great way to encourage fellow authors and have some awesome fun times.
    In my writing journey, all I've run into is support. I know that's rare, and I'm so blessed, but not one person has discouraged me. Well, maybe my uncle Greg, who when he found out, started giving me books by all his favorite authors (probably hoping I'd mimic their style) and saying what he liked about all of them. Which, since my Uncle's really flipping smart, actually ended up helping me. I was just an itsy bit overwhelmed! (I was like 15 :P)

  15. Jemi Fraser says:

    You're one lucky lady! That's a lot of prizes!

    I love the layout of your blog – love the background πŸ™‚

  16. Seems like you're on a winning streak! πŸ™‚

  17. T. Anne says:

    Are you on a lucky streak or what? Quick go buy some lotto tickets. Hey, since it was my idea can we split the winnings? πŸ˜‰

  18. Congratulations on all of your wins…Have you bought a lotto ticket lately???

    You know I feel a lot of support from the writing community…They are the ones who get "it." Non-writers don't have the same understanding of the process.

  19. Lola Sharp says:

    CONGRATS on:

    Winning so many yummy prizes! (random.org indeed!)
    Finishing your book!! WooHoo!!
    Having more than 100 followers! (well deserved!)

    My husband is my greatest supporter, and I also have wonderful CP's. I'm blessed. πŸ™‚

    btw, I havent forgotten about the award–I promise I'm going to get to it this week.


  20. kept seeing your comments all over the blogs and finally came to check out yours. Awesome. New follower. Hello!

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