One of the perks of having your children in school is that you get to re-learn a bunch of stuff you forgot, except now you actually APPRECIATE learning it.
And I’ve been appreciating the peaceful methods of Martin Luther King Jr. to make changes in a government that didn’t want to change. Hate and violence surrounded him, but he didn’t take the bait and retaliate. He didn’t give up because it was hard. He moved forward with a dream, and I think we could all use a little more of that in our lives.
So I want to wish you all a Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day today, since I will be enjoying my children on his holiday.
And just a quick reminder to weigh in on my latest This vs. That post if you haven’t had a chance!
We got 32 inches of snow from Friday to Saturday. They say there have only been 2 other storms in the last 60 years that compare to the amount of snowfall we got in such a short time. I went to the store on Thursday, and it was a madhouse! No parking. Crazy long lines. They went about halfway down the shopping aisles. And the same thing Friday morning. School was cancelled Friday and will be cancelled again tomorrow (Monday).
This is our parking lot. They were very good about plowing and snowblowing the walks.
Rick began the process of digging out our cars on Saturday. He worked all evening and got about halfway done. He finished today and is now groaning about his sore arms and back. We heard the sirens and watched an ambulance head down our street . . . apparently a man had a heart attack from too much shoveling. (!!!)
Khyah and I made a quick visit outdoors to take some pictures of London and Daddy. Rick insisted on taking some pictures of us. My face clearly says: “Why are you taking my picture, honey?” And Khyah’s clearly says she LOVES snow and being outdoors.
He got new shoes, which he loves to tell people about. “Ta da! Look at my new yellow shoes!” (They’re blue and silver with a little bit of yellow lining).
And he got a few shirts. His star wars shirt is his favorite, though. I gave him the lecture: “No light saber fights at school! Got it?” “Ye-e-s, Mom. I got it,” he droned. Where’d that droopy kid voice come from? You’d think I lecture him all the time or something. And you all can just stop laughing! 😉
He brags that now he only has 2 days off a week, just like Daddy (which isn’t actually true, since Daddy only gets one, but that’s a different story).
When we head home at the end of the day, little girls call out to him, “London! Bye!” London barely notices because he’s so busy giving me a run down of the day. Yesterday (Monday), he told me, “I had art today, and guess what Mom, we go to art every Monday. Isn’t that exciting?!” (I heard his teacher repeat the word “exciting” several times at back-to-school night, so at least I know he’s listening.)
After the first day, he told me he had a new friend and wanted me to call him so they could play. “What’s his name?” I ask. “Umm, I don’t remember. But you could call him.” Ri-i-i-ight.
The next day he was more excited. “Remember that friend I was telling you about? His name is Solomon. Now can you call him?” “I need a phone number to call him, London, and I don’t know it.” London was very disappointed. “Why, mom? Why don’t you know it?” So I told him it’s because I’m not clairvoyant. That one took him awhile.
Happy day, though, we got his number at back-to-school night. Turns out his mom speaks very little English. Fortunately she is a Spanish speaker instead of something like Urdu. Sure, you laugh, but there are enough Urdu speakers at his school to warrant translation via head-set at back-to-school night. Lucky London!
Oh, and it turns out Monday is short day. Woops. Fortunately we didn’t go to the library like Brandt wanted.
London loves school!
Ready to go! The Kindergarteners meet in the gym in the morning and walk to class as a group. Look at him stand at attention!