Janet Sumner Johnson
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Snowed Under


08, 2010 |

Filed in:


We got 32 inches of snow from Friday to Saturday. They say there have only been 2 other storms in the last 60 years that compare to the amount of snowfall we got in such a short time. I went to the store on Thursday, and it was a madhouse! No parking. Crazy long lines. They went about halfway down the shopping aisles. And the same thing Friday morning. School was cancelled Friday and will be cancelled again tomorrow (Monday).

This is our parking lot. They were very good about plowing and snowblowing the walks.

Rick began the process of digging out our cars on Saturday. He worked all evening and got about halfway done. He finished today and is now groaning about his sore arms and back. We heard the sirens and watched an ambulance head down our street . . . apparently a man had a heart attack from too much shoveling. (!!!)

Khyah and I made a quick visit outdoors to take some pictures of London and Daddy. Rick insisted on taking some pictures of us. My face clearly says: “Why are you taking my picture, honey?” And Khyah’s clearly says she LOVES snow and being outdoors.

London hard at work shoveling. He was outside almost as long as daddy. 32 inches is a school boy’s dream, right?

You can see he has his work cut out for him.

The boys all decked out ready to go play. Note London’s snow pants. They’re about 3 sizes too small, but he didn’t care. He was just happy to have pants that slide on the snow . . . that and the “rare color,” as he called it.

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