Janet Sumner Johnson
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Jul 14, 2010 Uncategorized 22 comments

I took this picture from my back porch last March. I’d been working away on the computer when my son slipped next to me and said, “Mama, we haven’t watched a sunset together in a long time!” My little heart melted, and I had to grab the camera to remember the moment.

In movies and literature, sunsets are rather iconic. Often, the hero rides off into it. It’s a time of change, transition (think Fiona in Shrek). It’s the ending of one phase and the start of another.

We all face countless sunsets in our lives: graduation from high school and college; marriage; children. And the same can be said for us as writers: completing that first novel; attending that first conference; receiving that first critique; facing that first rejection; attaining an agent; signing a book deal.

Some of these sunsets we pray for. We eagerly await those moments when we can finally close that chapter in our lives. Move forward. Sometimes we’re there in our minds long before reality catches up. I totally do this when I think about finding an agent.

But too often, we’re so anxious for the sunset, we forget to appreciate the beauty of the day. Having recently finished my 2nd book, I can tell you that while it felt good, it didn’t even rival how I felt after completing my first one. And it was an unpublishable mess. Yet, I don’t think I appreciated that joy at the time.

No matter what sunset you’re waiting on, what are you appreciating about your “day”?

Me? I’m appreciating that I have no tight deadlines. 😉


22 Responses to “Sunsets”

  1. Justine Dell says:

    Well, today I'm appreciating the fact that I'm not bent over the toilet. (I've been REALLy sick that past twenty four hours). Now I just want to sleep.

    Great pic, btw!


  2. This came at a perfect time. Stressing out over her at 8:30 in the morning thinking I will never be able to revise my book the way it needs to be done!!!!! AAHHH. So yes, I need to step back and enjoy the moment and the fact I have a book to revise. Breathe terri:)

  3. Candyland says:

    I LOVE sunsets. I am appreciating the fact that so many people have offered to help with the fundraiser/contest. Often times, it's easy to underestimate how much a person is willing to give, until you ask.

  4. Joanne says:

    I'm glad to have this Wednesday open before me, the hours waiting to fill with writing 🙂

  5. Kenda says:

    Great picture–and such an important point, appreciating the good in the moment. I'm loving today's sunshine!

    Thanks for the follow 🙂

  6. so beautiful Janet! words and picture.

  7. Renae says:

    Great picture Janet. I'm appreciating the fact that I'm home for the summer and have time to spend with my kids. And if
    I just happen to get a little writing done, that's great too!

  8. Jen says:

    This is fantastic!!! I'm appreciating the fact that this evening I can make a frozen pizza and work on revising rather than worrying about what's for dinner!

  9. Mmm, my husband and I just watched the sunset the other night for the first time since it got hot. It was nice to slow down and just not think about anything.

    Great post!

  10. Lenny says:

    hi miss janet! thats a really pretty picture. it got me thinking how one of my brothers gave me a nice treat and took just me on a cruise. we watched some pretty sunsets and it got us thinking about missing mom cause she loved sunsets. right now im really relly appreciating my older brothers who been taking real good care of me and my other brothers and sister since mom died and dad died. im sooooo lucky!
    …hugs from lenny

  11. Talli Roland says:

    What a gorgeous photo!

    I'm appreciating completing another day of writing — and making progress. 🙂

  12. Kasie West says:

    Great thoughts and what a neat thing to share with your son. I guess I'm appreciating the joy of writing, of creating. I try to do it for myself and not think about who else will read it soon.

  13. I love this post, Janet! My husband loves the romance of sunsets and my daughter loves to watch the colors change. Beautiful! 🙂

  14. WritingNut says:

    Beautiful picture Janet, and beautiful post.

    You're very right, we never slow down to enjoy everything else, we're always anxious to get to the finish line.

  15. Vicki Rocho says:

    I love sunrises AND sunsets….and all the parts in between. But then the stars are pretty cool too. Hmmm either I can't make up my mind (possible) or I'm entirely too easy to please!

  16. Jackee says:

    So what I needed to hear today. I need to appreciate the sunset moments with my kids more too. And I need to appreciate the lack of deadlines as well! :o)

    Thanks for sharing, Janet!

  17. Lovely analogy. It's also good to remember that the best sunsets are the ones that take us by surprise. If we keep looking at the sky waiting for it, it's rarely as grand.

  18. Lynn says:

    I'm appreciating that I have spent my morning visting and commenting on bloggs. It's been hours, but well worth it, and feels good! Yours is the last one I can tend to today, unfortunately, but now it's time to appreciate working on revision homework. Enjoy tonight's sunset!

  19. Beautiful picture of the sunset. Thank you for sharing it.

  20. I appreciate the generous tippers my son caddied for these last four days and the signed autographed picture he got from the retired hockey player he caddied for without askiing for it. He's 13 and gets up most mornings so his dad can drop him off just before six and wait to see if he can get a caddy job. Then he uses his money to buy shoes or take him and his little brother to the movies. I'm very proud of him.


  21. Found you from Sharon's blog. Great perspective on sunsets. While they represent changes and moving from one phase to the next, the comforting thing about sunsets is that they are very regular. The sun always rises and always sets… life goes on despite the drama (or lack of it) in our lives.

  22. Today, I appreciate that I got to refresh my soul with some good friends. A welcome respite from a tough few months dealing with lots of illness in the family.

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