Janet Sumner Johnson
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Chocolate or Peanut Butter?

Jul 16, 2010 Uncategorized 33 comments

Vicki Rocho (at Rambles and Randomness) and I had an e-mail exchange on this general topic last week, so I wanted to throw this question out there . . .

Chocolate or peanut butter?


33 Responses to β€œChocolate or Peanut Butter?”

  1. Keri says:

    CHOCOLATE! How can it not be chocolate? Not that I don't like peanut butter, I do – but chocolate is so much easier to eat in bulk and all the more satisfying. Mmm…now you have me craving both at 11pm at night. I have to restrain mYself from jumping out of bed and running to get the mini Reese's cups!

  2. No question here, Definitely CHOCOLATE.

  3. Justine Dell says:

    BOTH!!! You put the peanut butter ON the chocolate !! It's better than a Reece's Cup!!! πŸ˜‰


  4. Candyland says:

    Though I like them together, I prefer chocolate and lots of it. Nomnomnom.

  5. Jen says:

    Ummm why be silly, you now have the ability to eat both πŸ™‚

    Happy Friday! These are the best friday talks!

  6. Joanne says:

    Definitely love them together, but if I HAVE to choose, chocolate, hands-down.

  7. I can't eat either anymore so this is totally unfair–but if I could–chocolate!!

  8. Lydia Kang says:

    I love how your blog looks, btw!

    For me, chocolate. Preferably milk chocolate. We have no peanut butter at our house bc kidlet has allergies. But, anaphylactic issues aside, I still like choco better!

  9. Both, but chocolate first. Reeses peanut butter cups are awesome but really fattening. They put so much sugar into their peanut butter. I'll stick with Hershey's with almonds, thank you very much.

    Stephen Tremp

  10. Both! That's why there are Reese's peanut butter cups. Homemade ones are the best.

    If I can only choose one, I'll go with chocolate.

  11. Peanut butter, by far. Reduced Fat Skippy is the one for me – they make up for the fat by adding extra sugar. πŸ™‚ I buy it in bulk. I trade both my chocolate chip and oatmeal granola bars for peanut butter ones (a coworker and I both buy the Quaker Chewy boxes from Costco). My wife has a special recipe cookie just to match my tastes. I love foods made in peanut oils. I look forward to Christmas when I can have Rice Krispie balls… a desert made with peanut butter. And the biggest indicator of my addition, I feel like Joe Black, walking around with my spoons of peanut butter, but he never consumed anywhere near the quantities I do.

  12. Can't I have both? πŸ˜‰

  13. Lia Victoria says:

    Chocolate, of course — is this for real? ;]

  14. Chocolate all the way. Dark chocolate, preferably, which is why I'm so happy and healthy. ha ha! I don't even really like peanut butter. I'll have an occasional peanut butter and jelly sandwich when I'm desperate for quick food, but besides that … ick. πŸ™‚


  15. Clara says:

    Peanut butter! But just because I live in Switzerland, so, I`m getting really sick of chocolate.

    The cows here dont give mild anymore, its chocolate directly lol

  16. Lenny says:

    whoa! not fair miss janet! not fair at all! how could i think about an answer if i gotta look at those pictures? ha ha. now i need to go nag at my brothers to get one of them to take me to the store to get some reesy peanut butter cups cause theyre my most fav in the whole world.
    …smiles and sunshine from lenny

  17. Put the two together and you'll find yourself in heaven.

  18. Karen Yuan says:

    Chocolate chocolate chocolate. Nuff said. <3

  19. kimscarecrow says:

    Thanks for following my blog. I'd have to say chocolate for me. πŸ™‚

  20. kewkew says:

    If I can't have both together it would have to be chocolate. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I will be following you.

  21. Vicki Rocho says:

    You KNOW I'm going for the chocolate!!!!

    FUN seeing where everyone sits on this critical issue!

  22. Chocolate…

    BTW, you won a random prize over at my blog. πŸ™‚ Congratulations!

  23. Chocolate!

    I used to eat peanut butter everyday and can't stand it anymore unless it's baked into something.

  24. Chocolate or ______? Chocolate.

  25. Shelley Sly says:

    Can't it be both? But if I had to choose… chocolate. πŸ™‚

  26. WritingNut says:

    OH my goodness – BOTH–together!!… but if I HAAAAADDD to choose one, it would definitely be chocolate πŸ˜€

  27. Julie Musil says:

    They must be together! Makes me wish for some chocolate and peanut butter ice cream from Baskin Robbins. Yum! The pictures are making me hungry.

  28. You just posted my two favorite words! I love chocolate and peanut butter especially together!

  29. Lola Sharp says:

    CHOCOLATE!!!! (preferably dark)

    But I like the two together, too.

  30. Jennifer says:

    Oh, chocolate, most definitely. In large quantities and as dark as possible.

  31. Hannah S. says:

    Haha, what a funny question!
    I'd choose chocolate because I'm allergic to peanuts (it kinda sucks) but from what I've heard, peanut butter's good… πŸ™‚
    Love, Hannah

  32. Anonymous says:

    Hehe, my first comments:)

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