Janet Sumner Johnson
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Good News All Around

Jun 11, 2010 Uncategorized 32 comments

In case you haven’t noticed, I recently crossed the landmark number of 101 followers. Woo hoo!! Thanks everyone! I appreciate your willingness to hang out with me in the cybersphere.

Of course this calls for a give-away of some sort. My blogging friend Jessie Oliveros at Louder Than Noise is on the brink of 101. And since I think this whole blogging things is about connecting and building relationships, we are going to share the love and do a contest together as soon as she hits that magic number, too. We’ll have great prizes, but you’ll have to be a follower of BOTH blogs to enter. So if you don’t follow Jessie, pop on over and make her acquaintance, and you’ll be all set for our soon-to-come giveaway!

So in OTHER good news, I have finished my book! Not just the first draft, but like the 600th (okay, maybe a wee bit of exaggeration there, but it feels like that). Hurray, hurray! Now, if I could just finish that synopsis . . .

Seriously! If I can write this how-many-page book, why can’t I write a stinkin’ synopsis? Does anyone else struggle with this? Suzie Townsend is my new hero because here’s her take on the subject:

“Don’t worry about sending a synopsis – they’re evil.”

How can you help but admire such wisdom?


32 Responses to β€œGood News All Around”

  1. Oh! Congratulations on finishing your book! It's a wonderful feeling, isn't it?
    And contests are a blast – so yay! πŸ™‚ Also congrats on 101 followers – I hope to get there someday. πŸ™‚

  2. Vicki Rocho says:

    YAYYYY on finishing your book! I haven't even THOUGHT about the synopsis yet. (Oh, and I followed Jessie #98 so you're one closer to contest fun)

    Have a fantabulous weekend!

  3. Congratulations! You've been hard at work on the whole blog thing and obviously on the book, too. I see you everywhere. ;D

    Synopsis=evil. Nuff said. Good luck. The biggest thing I learned there is to stick with one pov in the synopsis, but that's not nearly as much of an issue for Bob, I think.

  4. Congrats on finishing the book!!!!

    I have a synopsis because: 1. it was an assignment for one of my online writing courses. 2. I'm doing the professional crit at the SCBWI conference in LA, and you needed to send one.

    They are evil. πŸ™‚

  5. Joanne says:

    A whole latte good stuff going on here πŸ˜‰

    Congrats on your Followers AND finishing your book. It's a great feeling, isn't it? Best wishes with the synopsis, too. They're challenging, definitely, but very much worth the effort!

  6. laurel says:

    Congrats, Janet!!

    I'm with you in the marketing-writing trenches. I reworte my novel significantly enough that my test-marketing query and synopsis from last year are useless. I have to start from scratch! Argh!

    I think we need to start a synopsis support group! What do you think?

  7. Woo hoo on finishing your book – that's awesome!!! Reaching the 100 mark is pretty fun too πŸ™‚

    Good luck with your synopsis.

  8. congrats on the followers and um CONGRATS ON FINISHING THE BOOK! YAY YAY!!! SO happy for you! woohoo!

    Visit My Kingdom Anytime

  9. Lisa_Gibson says:

    Congrats on the followers and the finishing! πŸ™‚ Happy Friday too. Yay!

  10. LOL yes, I had HEAPS of trouble with my synopsis. I've got a template from a major literary consultant in the UK, if you want it? LEt me know and I'll email it to ya πŸ˜‰

  11. Congrats – both for the followers and, more importantly, the book!!!

    I have also been struggling with my synopsis, which is my weakest link by far.

    Do you know of any site posting successful synopses? I did find this site: http://home.centurytel.net/jax/SynopsisProject.htm. It’s fine for helping with romance, but not real helpful for what I write.

  12. mi says:

    yay! congratulations!!!

    and i feel ya on the synopsis hate.
    good luck!

  13. I couldn't agree more. They ARE evil. And writing one BEFORE you write the book?

    That's criminal.

  14. Congrats on finishing the book.:)

    I agree about the synopsis. Hell in 500-1,000 words. lol.

    Looking forward to the joint contest.

  15. I'm follower 99 on Jessie's blog!

    Looking forward to the joint contest.

    Congrats on finishing your book!

  16. Sandy Shin says:

    Congratulations on reaching 100+ followers and on finishing your draft. The art of writing the synopsis is elusive, but I believe you can do it. πŸ™‚

    P.S. I've tagged you in the latest post on my blog.

  17. Saumya says:

    Congrats on the followers and finishing the book!! I just came across your blog and I hope I can get to your point someday. You should be so proud of yourself!!!

    The synopsis and query letters are super difficult to write!! It can be so hard to squeeze your entire work into a couple of pages! Good luck with everything πŸ™‚

  18. Along with our "We both have 101 followers contest!" we should also have a "We both finished our book contest!" Only you may have to wait about a year for me to catch up. Is that okay?

  19. I feel for you about the synopsis. My friend just finished hers after workshopping the hell out of it.

    But, most importantly, congratulations on finishing your book.

  20. Congratulations!!! Have fun querying:)

  21. Lynn says:

    Congratulations on finishing! So what if it acutually took you 599 times?? πŸ™‚
    Great work happens! Skip the 'over time' part of the former and it doesn't sound quite right. And in perfect time you will have your synopsis. Best wishes to you!

  22. Congratulations on finishing your ms and your following milestone! All such super news!

    And yes, synopses are evil and they make me crazy. But I know you can do it!! Good luck!

  23. CONGRATS on finishing your book!! Whoot! The synopsis will come to you — just coax that little bugger into existence no matter how much it protests.

    Looking forward to celebrating your 101 followers with you!

  24. Renae says:

    Congrats on finishing your book and the followers!
    I agree the synopsis is evil. I think its harder to write that than the entire book.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog and following!

  25. Congrats on the followers and on the book, two milestones.

  26. I was wondering if the query letter synopsis was all you really need these days (250 words or less) if you still need a more lengthy synopsis that includes the major plot points and ending?

    Here's the synopsis tips I've used in the past… but may be outdated now


  27. T. Anne says:

    Wow, I wish all agents agreed with Suzie! And congrats on the followers!!!

  28. I'm back to tell you that there's a blog award waiting for you on my blog.

  29. Bridge Marie says:

    Congrats on reaching both landmarks! Looking forward to celebrating 101 with both of you!

  30. Clara says:

    I LOVE your picture with Oscar!!

    And yes, Synopsis are secretelly plotting to take over the world and initiate the Apocalypse. Hell will fall upon earth. Do you know who invented Synopsis? You got it, Satan himself.
    Everytime a writer writes one, they loose their soul to the Synopsis cause. Be aware: They are coming for us.

  31. janet says:

    Thanks everyone! You guys are great. πŸ™‚

    And thanks for the award Medeia! πŸ™‚

  32. Congratulations on finishing your book! What's next???

    Congratulations on reaching 113 followers. It's such a great feeling to know that other people out there in blog land appreciate your words. πŸ™‚

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