Me: I shall see you differently forever after, Glenda! And I shall get you a wand for your birthday. 🙂
Me: Jolly Green Giant vs. Stay Puffed Marshmallow Man. Go.
Me: How do you take your banana splits?
*madly Googles Bananas Foster . . .*
Me: What is your best party trick?
Me: Ahem. If you were planning the next Hacky Sack Club challenge, what would it be and why?
Me: Oh yes, I think you would. But now it’s like an expectation. Do it! Do it! Do it! 😉
Me: During your Fairy Relocation Housing Project, how many fairies did you provide housing for and how did you discover the need?
Well, I’m glad you asked about this, and I know it
was prompted because you are the Clean Up Fairy (eek! You outed me!). I have to credit my
youngest daughter for this outreach. She often walks around seeming to
ignore me and the world in general. I’ll say, “Laura, where are your
pants?” And she’ll walk into a wall. Then last spring, we discovered it
was in fact the fairies distracting her. They were telling her they
needed new homes. As for numbers, well, they don’t like us to share that
information. It was between a trifle and a bonanza.
Me: Tell us one thing about you we probably don’t know (we promise not to tell anyone, bwahahah!).
I tell so much, is it possible to answer this
question? Umm… I uhh… well, let me see. I took classical piano
lessons for 12 years. That’s why I think I type so fast. (That’s not
very exciting is it? I also have a tattoo of Glenda the Good Witch on
my… just kidding! That’s a joke.)
Me: Sensing another Hacky Sack video in your future!
Me: Okay, you knew I had to ask this one . . . if your Main Characters had personalized plates, what would they be? What would yours be?
Haahahah! . . . *cough, cough* . . . I mean, not dumb at all! Really. I think I’ve even seen WRTRGRL before. 🙂 (Oh, and 7 to 8 letters depending on what state you’re in. I think I even saw 9 once. #I’malicenseplategeek)
THANKS so much for having me, Janet! I really hope everyone gets a kick out of my book. My characters are funnier than me. [And she put a cute little heart here that my blog is rejecting. That doesn’t say anything about me, does it? ;)]
Harley and Jason decide to fake date, they uncover a school of
deceptions. Trent’s got a secret, but so does Jason. And the more time
Harley spends secretly kissing her fake boyfriend, the further she gets
from her dreams with Trent.
Worst of all, Harley’s mom is
getting cozy with her hot massage therapy student, and even Harley’s
Reverend Dad can’t fake not being bothered by it. But when the masks
finally come off, can everyone handle the real truth?
So yay! Amy and I couldn’t be more proud. Our Hacky Sack Club numbers are slowly growing.
Leigh over at That’s Write, one of my favorite bloggers, has posted her humiliation video, showing off her mad juggling skillz.
Cross my heart and hope to die, I DID NOT coerce her or blackmail her in any way. Seriously.
And the Wall of Shame Fame is finally up. Look up that to that brand-spankin-new tab between “Books” and “Contact Me.” I know you want to be on it! Rules for joining are here. Simple version? Post a vlog of any random skill of yours and e-mail us to let us know it’s up. Easy as pie.
So anyone else out there ready to join? We still have hacky sacks waiting for good homes!
P.S. Wanted to make a quick mention of a contest over at The Ron Empire Wants You. She’s piggy backing onto Ellen Oh’s Post titled “Why the Pretty White Girl YA Cover Book Trend Needs to End.” A worthy cause that I think deserves some attention.