Janet Sumner Johnson
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YA Book Covers

Hacky Sack Club Inductee: Leigh Moore


12, 2012 |

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So yay! Amy and I couldn’t be more proud. Our Hacky Sack Club numbers are slowly growing.

Leigh over at That’s Write, one of my favorite bloggers, has posted her humiliation video, showing off her mad juggling skillz.

Cross my heart and hope to die, I DID NOT coerce her or blackmail her in any way. Seriously.

And the Wall of Shame Fame is finally up. Look up that to that brand-spankin-new tab between “Books” and “Contact Me.” I know you want to be on it! Rules for joining are here. Simple version? Post a vlog of any random skill of yours and e-mail us to let us know it’s up. Easy as pie.

So anyone else out there ready to join? We still have hacky sacks waiting for good homes!

P.S. Wanted to make a quick mention of a contest over at The Ron Empire Wants You. She’s piggy backing onto Ellen Oh’s Post titled “Why the Pretty White Girl YA Cover Book Trend Needs to End.” A worthy cause that I think deserves some attention.

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