Janet Sumner Johnson
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St. Patrick’s Day

Drumroll please . . .


21, 2010 |

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First of all, I want to thank everyone who entered this contest! I had a great time reading your limericks. And don’t they say that doing something creative builds brain cells? Okay, I may be making that up, but I hope you had as much fun writing them as I did reading them.

Second of all, it was very had to choose a winner, you were all so good (and you all hit on different crazy areas of my life—all of which I love to laugh about). However, since a winner must be chosen, here we are:

The winner is Melanie for “Ode to St. Patty’s Cuisine”

For those of you who didn’t get a chance to read it, here it is:

A green dinner sounds so creative,
Until you think “what’s it made of?”
Your kids will all scream
Because everything’s green!
But cabbage and corned beef’s so native!

Maybe it was the St. Patrick’s day theme that won me over, but either way, congratulations! Watch for the coveted gift card in the mail. 🙂

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St. Patrick’s Day Contest


15, 2010 |

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St. Patrick’s Day is one of my favorite pointless holidays. I love the stories of leprechauns. I love the iconic movies (like Darby O’gill and the Little People). I love the green. And I love pinching people. Okay, not really on the last one, but still. Just thinking about it makes me want to break into song . . .

When Irish eyes are smilin’ . . .

But I digress.

It’s a holiday that can be as much or as little as you choose to make it. I tend to be a minimalist, so the “little” part really appeals to me.

So knowing I made a goal to have a silly, pointless contest on my blog this year, I thought why not. This contest will run from the moment this is posted until midnight EST on Saturday, 20 March 2010.

I really wanted to make the prize super Irish, but all I could come up with was beer and potatoes. Somehow that didn’t sound very exciting. So instead, since Olive Garden’s signature color is green, up for grabs is a $25 gift card for there.

Here are the rules:

  1. Make up a funny and CLEAN limerick and post it in the comments. (Oh, heck, I don’t even care if you didn’t make it up, so long as it’s clean and funny.)
  2. Did I mention it has to be clean?
  3. I, as supreme chancellor and all-mighty contest thrower, get to pick my favorite to win.
  4. I’ll post the winner next Sunday.

Limerick /lim-rik/: a five-lined poem with aabba rhyme scheme. I could go on about the meter and syllable counts, but instead, I’ll give an example:There once was a girl from DC,Who lived far from all her fam’lyShe blogged every daySo in touch she could stayThen forgot to go out and sight see.Okay, I’m no poet. I fully admit this. But you get the idea.Please note, this contest is completely subjective. Anyone can enter (even relatives, gasp!). Odds of winning are about 1 in 4 since that’s about how many people comment on my blog. Consider all that legal mumbo jumbo said. You know: Taxes yada, yada, yada. Liability blah, blah, blah. You get the point.Good luck, and I can’t wait to read your entries!UPDATE: You may enter as many limericks as you want.

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