Janet Sumner Johnson
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Olive Garden

St. Patrick’s Day Contest


15, 2010 |

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St. Patrick’s Day is one of my favorite pointless holidays. I love the stories of leprechauns. I love the iconic movies (like Darby O’gill and the Little People). I love the green. And I love pinching people. Okay, not really on the last one, but still. Just thinking about it makes me want to break into song . . .

When Irish eyes are smilin’ . . .

But I digress.

It’s a holiday that can be as much or as little as you choose to make it. I tend to be a minimalist, so the “little” part really appeals to me.

So knowing I made a goal to have a silly, pointless contest on my blog this year, I thought why not. This contest will run from the moment this is posted until midnight EST on Saturday, 20 March 2010.

I really wanted to make the prize super Irish, but all I could come up with was beer and potatoes. Somehow that didn’t sound very exciting. So instead, since Olive Garden’s signature color is green, up for grabs is a $25 gift card for there.

Here are the rules:

  1. Make up a funny and CLEAN limerick and post it in the comments. (Oh, heck, I don’t even care if you didn’t make it up, so long as it’s clean and funny.)
  2. Did I mention it has to be clean?
  3. I, as supreme chancellor and all-mighty contest thrower, get to pick my favorite to win.
  4. I’ll post the winner next Sunday.

Limerick /lim-rik/: a five-lined poem with aabba rhyme scheme. I could go on about the meter and syllable counts, but instead, I’ll give an example:There once was a girl from DC,Who lived far from all her fam’lyShe blogged every daySo in touch she could stayThen forgot to go out and sight see.Okay, I’m no poet. I fully admit this. But you get the idea.Please note, this contest is completely subjective. Anyone can enter (even relatives, gasp!). Odds of winning are about 1 in 4 since that’s about how many people comment on my blog. Consider all that legal mumbo jumbo said. You know: Taxes yada, yada, yada. Liability blah, blah, blah. You get the point.Good luck, and I can’t wait to read your entries!UPDATE: You may enter as many limericks as you want.

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