First of all, I want to thank everyone who entered this contest! I had a great time reading your limericks. And don’t they say that doing something creative builds brain cells? Okay, I may be making that up, but I hope you had as much fun writing them as I did reading them.
Second of all, it was very had to choose a winner, you were all so good (and you all hit on different crazy areas of my life—all of which I love to laugh about). However, since a winner must be chosen, here we are:
The winner is Melanie for “Ode to St. Patty’s Cuisine”
For those of you who didn’t get a chance to read it, here it is:
A green dinner sounds so creative,
Until you think “what’s it made of?”
Your kids will all scream
Because everything’s green!
But cabbage and corned beef’s so native!
Maybe it was the St. Patrick’s day theme that won me over, but either way, congratulations! Watch for the coveted gift card in the mail. π
Congrats Melanie! I have to admire your obvious natural poetic ability since I have very little to none. . but thanks Janet for throwing the contest anyways–it was fun to push myself to do something with poetry since I generally don't like it. π Happy Sunday!
Leanne, not true! Yours was great (I mean, you saw mine, right?). It's all about having fun. π I'm really glad you entered. I think it shows just a glimpse into everyone's life because we tend to write what we know. I liked getting that glimpse into your life. In truth, I need more glimpses! π
Boy, I think you got a glimpse into my life that maybe you didn't want to see!! π
It's too bad I never took time
To enter my lim'rick sublime
This had I done
I p'rhaps could've won
And that gift care might have been mine.
I meant 'card' not 'care' in that last line, d'oh!
True, true, Mike! I actually was surprised you didn't enter.
And Celeste, lol! Yours was hilarious! I wavered between Melanie's and yours. Super hard choice. But very fun! Thanks for entering (2x no less). π
Wahoo!!! I'm so excited! : ) Thanks Janet, for the contest, for pushing my literary creativeness, and for a dinner with my hot hubby! : D And Celeste, if it makes you feel any better, I totally thought you would win it!
Okay Mel, it's officially in the mail tomorrow (when the postman picks it up). Enjoy!