I know I said I’d follow up on the guessing from Monday’s post, but I’ll do that Friday. Promise.
So, I have this yearly tradition. Just before Halloween, I break out the sewing machine and sew a costume for one of my kids. The others get store-bought, because one is all I can handle.
The thing is, I am no seamstress. Like at all. I avoided sewing like the plague. Even the bookmark I had to make in Home Ec didn’t look like a bookmark. Pitiful, I know.
Then three years ago, my friend was doing her annual frenzy of sewing FIVE costumes. Amazing! But dangitall, it looked fun. So with the promise of help (that I could call her with every little question, no matter how stupid), I took the leap. It took me a month to make it, but here are the fruits:
Yes, yes, I know, you’re all impressed. 😉
This tradition isn’t just about saving money on a costume (because it costs me more to sew one than to just buy it). It’s about reminding myself that I can do the seemingly impossible when I put my mind to it.
What impossible feats are you accomplishing?