Janet Sumner Johnson
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Doing the Impossible

Oct 06, 2010 Uncategorized 21 comments

I know I said I’d follow up on the guessing from Monday’s post, but I’ll do that Friday. Promise.

So, I have this yearly tradition. Just before Halloween, I break out the sewing machine and sew a costume for one of my kids. The others get store-bought, because one is all I can handle.

The thing is, I am no seamstress. Like at all. I avoided sewing like the plague. Even the bookmark I had to make in Home Ec didn’t look like a bookmark. Pitiful, I know.

Then three years ago, my friend was doing her annual frenzy of sewing FIVE costumes. Amazing! But dangitall, it looked fun. So with the promise of help (that I could call her with every little question, no matter how stupid), I took the leap. It took me a month to make it, but here are the fruits:

Yes, yes, I know, you’re all impressed. ๐Ÿ˜‰

This tradition isn’t just about saving money on a costume (because it costs me more to sew one than to just buy it). It’s about reminding myself that I can do the seemingly impossible when I put my mind to it.

What impossible feats are you accomplishing?


21 Responses to โ€œDoing the Impossibleโ€

  1. Renae says:

    You are my new hero! that costume is awesome! I wish I could sew like that! My kids wouldn't want to leave the house in anything I would come up with!

  2. I used to love sewing, but my sewing machine died, and I just don't have time for it anymore.

    You're right, costumes cost way more to make. I paid $40 + one year to make my son a pumpkin halloween costume. It was really cute, and he wore it for three years.

    I'm good at recycling costumes. My daughter was a kangaroo one year (thanks to Old Navy's brilliant costume). The following year I sewed a little witch's hat to the joey and put a witch hat on her head. She wore a sign "Witch in Training" around her neck. The idea was that she messed up and turn herself and her friend into kangaroos. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  3. Awesome! I have three to make this year. And yea, won't be starting them until 10/15….Yep, I am CRAZY!

  4. Joanne says:

    You are very brave! I'm also not a seamstress, and don't even own a sewing machine. I give you lots of credit for tackling this challenging, but fun, project. I'll bet your kids love it ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. Celeste says:

    Did you just say, "seamingly impossible…" or did I imagine that? ๐Ÿ™‚ Ha Ha! I'm attempting poodle skirts this year. I'll post pics if they turn out!

  6. Patti says:

    Awesome costume. I gave up sewing costumes a few years ago.

  7. Quinn says:

    Awesome costume!

  8. Aww, that costume is awesome. I can sew a bit, but my mum and auntie are the seamstresses. They use to make loads of costumes/clothes for me growing up.

  9. That's a really good costume! I've never sewn a thing in my life – I'm very very impressed.

  10. Jemi Fraser says:

    That's awesome!! I'm not in the least bit talented in the sewing department. I did make king/queen capes one year out of old curtains and fake jewels and all kinds of stuff. And a lot of glue! ๐Ÿ™‚

  11. So impressed!! I have no lil ones yet, but I've been trying to think of a creative, cheap costume for myself. I've got lots of time and no money. ๐Ÿ™‚

    The impossible feat I'm trying on for size is…balance.


    Yes, balance. In life, in my mind, with my body etc. etc.


  12. He is a cutie! And you did awesome! I am so guilty as I never once made one for my daughter and I hated the store-bought ones.
    I am learning to write fiction–that is my latest feat!!

  13. He is a cutie! And you did awesome! I am so guilty as I never once made one for my daughter and I hated the store-bought ones.
    I am learning to write fiction–that is my latest feat!!

  14. Melissa says:

    WOw. I'm not sure I believe you about the no talent thing. But I love your inspiration on doing the impossible. Seriously. I feel like I need to crack open my WIP and finish this sucker! I feel like deciding to do NANO was a better decision then before. Thank you.

  15. That's adorable. I told my son I'd make him a green monster costume this year. Any ideas?

  16. Amie Kaufman says:

    That's adorable, love it! Of all the impossible things I try, some with greater success and some with lesser, sewing remains my nemesis. I salute you!

  17. You go, girl!

    I am not a seamstress, so I am highly impressed.

    And I will not show my son this picture because he will be HORRIBLY jealous.


  18. Kids are great when they dress up and pretend to be heroes and/or villains. A writer can glean much inspiration from watching them in action. Oh, and you are a winner from my Weekend Follies. More info to follow on your prize.

    Stephen Tremp

  19. He looks great! You are the best mom! As for seemingly impossible feats… I'm going to try to stay up late tonight to go see a band play, which I haven't done in a long time. Better go get some coffee (which I don't usually drink, but I'm desperate!)

    Happy Halloween!

  20. Awesome costume! You should be proud! I had the similar compulsion to take on quilting once – and I am not a sewer, either. Anyway, all the strips of beautiful fabric are still tucked away somewhere.

  21. Great costume. I really wish I knew how to sew. Somehow it always costs more to make things by hand, but it's just so satisfying.

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