salad dressing
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Contest! You have until Wednesday, May 12 at midnight EDT.
So I’m staring at a bottle of salad dressing, and my blood pressure is rising by the second. I can’t get past the little line that says: “Less Calories than our regular dressing.”
Aaaaaah! Did no one proofread your nationally marketed product?! Seriously?
Fewer calories, people! Fewer!
So, yes. This is my secret OCD pet-peeve. I have to bite my tongue to keep from correcting friends, and any random strangers who may unwittingly confound “less” and “fewer” in my presence.
Less –> an uncountable mass (fat, sugar, water, chocolate, stupidity . . . you get the idea)
Fewer –> anything countable (calories, ice cubes, people, mistakes)
Easy as pie.
My husband tells me I missed my calling as a member of the grammar nazi. But I can be laid back . . . I present my cavalier use of “snuck” instead of “sneaked” as evidence.
Anything drive you up the wall? What are your pet peeves?
Speak up:
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salad dressing