Janet Sumner Johnson
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Mazda MX5

The Big Reveal


16, 2011 |

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I’ve held you in suspense for two weeks now, and I’m sure you’re all dying of curiosity to know the make and model of the license plate. Dying.


I love that so many of you instantly thought of the Zoom! Zoom! Zoom! commercial. My mind never went there, but apparently the car’s owner’s did. It was indeed a Red Mazda.

I thought surely someone would guess the make, but alas, no one.

So, want to see the picture?

A red Mazda MX5 Convertible. Beautiful piece of work, isn’t it?

Stina Lindenblatt from Seeing Creative was the first one to guess Red Mazda, so I hearby proclaim her as our winner! A Lion bar will be on its way post haste. 🙂

And just for fun, here’s my license plate of the day:


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