Janet Sumner Johnson
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The Big Reveal

May 16, 2011 Uncategorized 14 comments

I’ve held you in suspense for two weeks now, and I’m sure you’re all dying of curiosity to know the make and model of the license plate. Dying.


I love that so many of you instantly thought of the Zoom! Zoom! Zoom! commercial. My mind never went there, but apparently the car’s owner’s did. It was indeed a Red Mazda.

I thought surely someone would guess the make, but alas, no one.

So, want to see the picture?

A red Mazda MX5 Convertible. Beautiful piece of work, isn’t it?

Stina Lindenblatt from Seeing Creative was the first one to guess Red Mazda, so I hearby proclaim her as our winner! A Lion bar will be on its way post haste. πŸ™‚

And just for fun, here’s my license plate of the day:


14 Responses to β€œThe Big Reveal”

  1. Melissa says:

    Yeah, I totally see the license plate on that baby. Congrats Stina!

  2. I had to Google 'zoom zoom car' because I couldn't remember the name of it. πŸ˜€

  3. Joanne says:

    omg, I didn't know if I could hold on another day, the suspense was too much πŸ˜‰

    Happy Monday Janet!

  4. Congratulations, Stina!~

  5. YAY STINA! You are so clever. πŸ™‚


  6. Vicki Rocho says:

    1undrpar has to be a blue BMW…maybe a lexus, but I'm gonna stick with the beamer.

    Congrats to Stina!

  7. Lenny Lee* says:

    hi miss janet! big hoorar for miss stina for being the winner. i love those license plate games.
    …hugs from lenny

  8. Beth says:

    Gorgeous car! And I love the license plate.

  9. Lovely car! Looks fast and feisty!

  10. I want that car! πŸ™‚

  11. my mom had a green miata, too small for me to drive and I'm only 6'1"

  12. WritingNut says:

    Yay.. congratulations to Stina! And I love that car! πŸ™‚

  13. Lynn says:

    Darn, missed my chance. But congrats to Stina!

  14. AH, MAN! Many congratulations to Stina. If you have never eaten a Lion candybar, you are in for the most amazing treat. *Sniff* For some reason, I never saw this one. Sigh.

    Maybe I'll do a competition just so I have to go buy a box of Lions. LOL

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