Just to show you how easy it is to join the Hacky Sack Club, here’s a little video. My talent today?
*Here’s how I made this:
Ba-da Boom, Ba-da Bing! There it is.
If you really want to do a video but just aren’t sure how, shoot me an email and I’ll help as much as I can.
Also, just a reminder. You have until Saturday to enter my Nostalgia giveaway. I mean, who wouldn’t want to get a pack of Garbage Pail Kids in the mail?
Another Thanksgiving has come and gone, and this year, we are most thankful to have spent it with family. Rick had two weeks of vacation over the holiday, so we had a splendid visit with parents, grandparents, cousins, brothers, sisters, the whole shebang.
I don’t want to bore you with all the sordid details, but here are the highlights of thanks:
1- I am thankful I got my hair cut! (The dead animal is GONE.)
2- Brandt is thankful for chopsticks and McDonald’s. (And for grandparents who love to take him out to eat!)
3- London is thankful he got to bounce on the trampoline.
4- We are thankful we got our family picture taken. And even more thankful that we only do it once a year.
5- The boys are thankful they got to go to the zoo with their cousins. And very thankful to Aunt Kim who bought tickets to the carousel.
6- Rick is thankful that the people on the airplane were so understanding when Brandt had to get up to go potty every 5 minutes and then threw up on the plane.
7- I am thankful that Rick took Brandt and Khyah early so I got a nice peaceful flight with London.
8- We are all thankful that it snowed. More thankful that it only snowed once. And most thankful that we got to go sledding. London keeps asking when it will snow here.
9- Rick is thankful that he got to play soccer with my family.
10- I am thankful I got to go shopping with my sister (it’s tradition after all), even if it was only at K-mart on Thanksgiving night to find formula (because we ran out).
11- London is thankful he got to play with all his cousins so much. He wishes we lived closer.
12- Khyah is thankful to have FINALLY met all her aunts and uncles (excepting Aunt Tiff and Uncle Rob, who I’m sure she is dying to meet) and that everyone held her all the time. (She misses that. As do I.)
13- Rick and I are extremely thankful that we made it home before London’s stomach bug hit in full force. And in conjunction with that, I am grateful for carpet cleaner, washing machines, and toilets.
14- Though I could go on like this a long time, because we have much to be thankful for, I will end with our biggest thanks. We are thankful for our family, their love and support, and the chance we had to spend some quality time with them. After all, where would we be without them?
And I can’t resist a Postscript: We’re thankful everyone thinks we live in an awesome place so they all want to come visit!