Janet Sumner Johnson
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Feb 16, 2012 Uncategorized 19 comments

Just to show you how easy it is to join the Hacky Sack Club, here’s a little video. My talent today?


*Here’s how I made this:

Ba-da Boom, Ba-da Bing! There it is.

If you really want to do a video but just aren’t sure how, shoot me an email and I’ll help as much as I can.

Also, just a reminder. You have until Saturday to enter my Nostalgia giveaway. I mean, who wouldn’t want to get a pack of Garbage Pail Kids in the mail?


19 Responses to β€œChopsticks!”

  1. Old Kitty says:

    LOL!!! I am in super duper AWE!!! LOL! And now am very hungry! So lunch!

    Take care

  2. i'm erin. says:

    You're funny. I do actually want to learn the way of the video, but I think I have a crazy frog voice and people might think I'm a man. So I have steered clear of the video. Your chopsticks are sweet.

  3. I love this new video feature – it's very entertaining πŸ™‚ And really, how talented are you that you can color with chopsticks? This is something to brag about! πŸ™‚

  4. Carolyn V says:

    Chopsticks? Awesome! I need to get me a talent like that! =D

  5. Awesome! Thanks for sharing your expertise.

  6. Love the video! I love using chopsticks. I think they let you slow down and enjoy your meal and the company better than using regular silverware.

  7. Talli Roland says:

    I'm starving now! Love the video!

    Have a great weekend.

  8. I am in awe. And hungry. I never did master the art of chopsticks, in spite of living in Cambodia for a few months when I was eighteen. Sigh.

  9. Skills, girl, SKILLZ!!!

  10. This is awesome! Thanks for the tips. I think I have a video option on my camera too! Maybe that's how I'll do it.
    Catherine Denton

  11. Emily says:

    Hah! Great talent!

    When we moved to Japan I got so tired of dropping my food in restaurants I finally made my local friends give me chopsticks lessons. I had no idea there was so much technique to master…but luckily that led to lots of yummy meals in restaurants.

    You're making this hacky sack club sound awfully tempting!

  12. Cool video. Maybe I'll have to give making a YouTube video a try. Maybe not. When I accidentally hit video, it's all over the place, LOL.

  13. Awesome!

    I have no clue how to use Chopstix. My husband knows how since he was in Korea for a year.

  14. Yay for the hacky sack club! I'm sure we'll get droves of people joining now that they know how to make a video. hee hee. πŸ™‚

    And wonderful chopsticks skills! Although I grew up in Hong Kong, I'm told I don't hold chopsticks correctly. Oh well, the way I do it works for me! πŸ™‚ Besides, in Hong Kong is very common to hold the bowl up to your mouth and shovel the food in. Easy. πŸ˜‰

  15. Great video, and aren't you the talented one! I've just done book trailer videos to put on YouTube. It's amazing how many videos of all kinds are there!

  16. LTM says:

    If you'da been able to color with that chop stick, I was going to flip out.

    And I know why you're doing this… :p

    Maybe THAT'll be my penalty for missing a writing day. I HAVE to do a video. πŸ˜€ <3

  17. That was impressive. Picking up the corn was good, but trying to color with chopsticks… impressive.

  18. Sophia Chang says:

    Whoa whoa whoa. Okay two things I need to put my hands on my hips and cock my eyebrow over.

    1) Who said the Chinese have a lack of inhibition? Over what? I demand clarification if you're going to generalize to a billion people, one of which is me.

    2) And are you kidding? Who do you think invented noodles? ::head shake:: No more ignorant comments Janet!

    Lastly, you're actually doing it the adult, proper way. I use chopsticks the baby way, like many ABC's. I was taught the easy way as a kid and never really advanced. So congrats.

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