Shelli, over at Market My Words, is having a Pay-It-Forward Contest. One of the requirements to enter is that you recognize in a blog post (or on Facebook) someone who has helped you in some way.
I love the idea of paying it forward, and I am an advocate of giving thanks, so I am excited to share. And I didn’t have to think long about who I wanted to thank.
Back when I was first introduced to the writing blogosphere by my fabulous CP Vicki, before I even kept a writing blog, I read a post about a writing contest over at Laurel’s Leaves. It was her Eleventy-one Celebration Writing Contest where she wanted a scene showing negotiation and persuasion.
I decided to enter, and lo and behold, I won! I was astonished . . . and even more astonished when she gave the break down on her blog of why she chose my piece.
I can’t express what it meant to me to have a complete stranger (at the time) say such kind things about my writing. It was just what I needed to hear right then. It boosted my confidence, and it was the catalyst that led to my starting a writing blog and to the drive to finally finish editing my book.
I just wanted to tell Laurel thank you for your contest and for your kind words. It all meant much more to me than I’m sure you could have guessed.
And in the spirit of thanks, feel free to give a shout out to someone who influenced your life for the better. ๐
Love this post, and I hope you win Shelli's contest, Janet. I'm not entering because I know from doing the research, my novel isn't Alyssa's kind of thing. ๐
I'd like to thanks Barky the dog for his inspiration, that strange man in a trench coat yelling at traffic on the street corner, and my editor Al Gore. Thanks guys! You're the best.
What a great idea with paying it forward. I don't have anyone to thank though, since I already knew everything there was to know coming into this. . . NOT!
I'd have to go with my very first writer beta, Jaime. Not only is she a kickass Aussie, she was the one who reached out to me, showing me it was okay to ask others if they'd like to swap stories and help each other out.
I love how you always stop by and comment on my blog. It has helped me feel encouraged in my writing.
Great post, by the way.
It's amazing how one person's kind words and thoughts can mean so much and keep us going. It seems like such a small thing, when in actuality it's huge. Kudos to you and Laurel for accomplishing this ๐
Great idea. I was introduced to blogging by a friend I used to teach with, so I'd go with her.
Great post Janet. So many people have helped me out I would be hard pressed to choose just one. Good luck in Shelli's contest!
Congrads on winning ๐
This is an awesome post and I love the idea of paying it forward. So many people have helped me on this journey and continue to do so! I love it!
What a great post and a wonderful idea!
I didn't know that about you and Laurel. How cool is that??! And neat idea of Pay It Forward. I've seen Pay-It-Forwards being done with my photo blogging buddies. Nice to see that the concept is spreading.
Awesome post! I'd like to thank my friend Lisa over at I happened to meet her at a volunteer event at our kids' school. When I learned she was a writer, I asked her to look at my manuscript. She really got the ball rolling for me as far as writing. That was about five years ago. If I hadn't met her, I probably wouldn't be pursuing writing now!
That is so much awesome!!!
That's very cool.
Love this post! Laurel is awesome ๐
I love the idea of paying it forward. Writing buddies can be the most amazing supporters!
Yay! I love Laurel. She is so wise. ๐
Hi Janet .. lots of fellow bloggers – who've been so supportive .. to name one – would be too few, to name many .. too many!
Great thought though .. cheers – Hilary
That's great, Janet! Fellow bloggers whose blogs I visit and those who visit mine and leave such lovely comments influence me for the better.