Janet Sumner Johnson
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Pay it Forward

May 24, 2010 Uncategorized 14 comments

So Friday, I got this amazing wonderful surprise. Here’s the story:

A week ago, B. Miller started this fabulous Pay It Forward Giveaway (that I so totally wish I had come up with). Go check it out if you haven’t heard about it.

ANYWAY, Courtney, the Southern Princess, as a break-off from that, honored me with a Pay It Forward post. She listed 3 bloggers she would love to hang out with in a non-virtual way, and I was one of them! For those of you who haven’t read my profile, she and I are fellow princesses after all. And royalty must stick together what with the paparazzi and everything. But what a lift in my day. So much more than honored. *insert cheesy grin.*

So I wanted to spread the love and choose three people that I would love to spend time with in a non-virtual way. Normally, I would list you all, but that would be a long post that no one would finish reading, so here we go with three:

Jenny Matlock: I have been rolling at her garage sale posts, and her big heart just shines through. Though we’ve never met, I wanted to pull up a lawn chair, pour a tall glass of lemonade with one of those little umbrellas in it, and chat about all the interesting people who stopped in. And she refers to her husband as Mr. Jenny. How can you not want to meet someone who does that?

Lydia Kang at The Word is My Oyster: When I found out she’s an Internal Medicine Doctor, I felt that instant she-knows-what-I’m-going-through connection because my husband is on his first year of his Internal Medicine Residency. She does this fabulous post called Medical Mondays, and her posts are always thought-provoking and fun. I’m never disappointed when I visit her blog. Plus, she’s working on the secret to getting 25 hours out of a day. I so intend to be around when she learns it as I’m sure she will!

Vicki Dixon at Ron Empress: Okay, maybe I’m cheating a little on this one because we have met before, but she is that wonderful. First, her writing is beautiful. Like, I’m-green-with-jealousy-because-my-writing-will-never-be-that-beautiful beautiful. Next, I always hear about the coolest contests from her. And finally, It’s from her encouragement that I started a blog at all. She has been a huge support to me in this endeavor we’re on. Go visit!

So what catches your attention on a blog and makes you want to go back? What makes you feel connected to a blogger you’ve never met?


14 Responses to โ€œPay it Forwardโ€

  1. Joanne says:

    Oh, please post it when Lydia figures out that secret!!

    Thanks for the links to check out. I think what draws me to a blog is a certain sincerity that shines through, almost in a friendship way. So I always want to check back in and see what's going on.

  2. Lydia Kang says:

    Hey Janet! What a great thing to see on a Monday morning! I would love to chat over coffee with you in real life too, and then I could tell you all the juicy secrets of residency I've learned!

    As for what makes me want to come back to a blog? True friendliness, a sense of humor (it sounds like I'm shopping for a new husband, ha) and posts that make me really want to comment.

    Yours would be included!

  3. Jody Hedlund says:

    There are so many different factors about blogs that draw me! But what I like the best are the relationships/the friendships that I can make with other writers. The support is so awesome.

  4. Lynn says:

    When an author's voice comes through. I'm not sure how that is done, but there is a sincerity that jumps off a page that makes me come back, and want to read more. Honesty, and sharing of real life challenges including vulnerability makes me want to read more. As well as good writing of course!

  5. I agree with all your postees here as far as what I like to see in a blog and most of all, I love information. Contests, tips, links, you name it and I'm there. (So thanks for the link. ;D) LOL

    On a separate note, can I just say Awww, shucks?! I'm blushing. Seriously. ^___^ Which leads me to:

    Do NOT sell yourself short, Ms. Johnson! Who won grand prize at the Laurel's Leaves competition???? You write things I CAN'T – as in, I've tried and am utterly incapbable of writing the humor which comes naturally to you. And I guarantee you, comedy sells better than tragedy, so I think you're in the better bus! LOL

  6. I agree with all your postees here as far as what I like to see in a blog and most of all, I love information. Contests, tips, links, you name it and I'm there. (So thanks for the link. ;D) LOL

    On a separate note, can I just say Awww, shucks?! I'm blushing. Seriously. ^___^ Which leads me to:

    Do NOT sell yourself short, Ms. Johnson! Who won grand prize at the Laurel's Leaves competition???? You write things I CAN'T – as in, I've tried and am utterly incapbable of writing the humor which comes naturally to you. And I guarantee you, comedy sells better than tragedy, so I think you're in the better bus! LOL

  7. Elle Strauss says:

    What a great idea!

    Thanks for visiting my blog today!

  8. What a lovely idea! I'm going to hop over and check out your friends. ๐Ÿ™‚

  9. T. Anne says:

    LOL! Oscar caught my attention and now I'm LOVING your blog!! But seriously the more I comment and the more comments I receive make me feel connected. Thanx for the linx!

  10. What catches my attention and makes me want to go back?

    Well, when people leave nice comments on my blog such as you, as well as following me – that causes me to sprint straight back!

    Thanks so much. You have a great blog here ๐Ÿ™‚

  11. Jenny says:

    Oh, my! Thank you! I would love you to come over. Especially today. I'm hauling irrigation hoses all over my urban "farm" and boy could I use some help.

    I would talk your ear off while we work and then I would make you some fresh lemonade with the last of the lemons on our tree, fix you a fabulous salad to eat from the garden and then make Mr. Jenny fire up the wood-fired pizza oven and we would make scrumptious sourdough pizzas.

    What a really sweet compliment!

    Thank you! You made me really smile!

  12. CherylK says:

    Well, there's really nothing left to say about what attracts me to blogs…'cause all of those characteristics are my choices, too. Everyone is spot on.

    I'm already a Jenny Matlock fan but will definitely stop by your other links, too. I hope you're having a wonderful week!

  13. Gail says:

    I keep going back to blogs that include humor, honesty, openness about the author's life or thoughts, and of course, if there's a giveaway of chocolate!!!!

  14. Katie says:

    I am loving "Janet Sumner Johnson!" It always the best when you find book blogs that are even more than just good books… I love that your site gives us readers an inside view on YOU: your interests, your life, what makes you laugh. Thank you for stopping by Book Love! I know I'll be back here ๐Ÿ™‚

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