Janet Sumner Johnson
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Oct 15, 2010 Uncategorized 6 comments

Yes, this is a lot of what I have been doing today (housekeeping), as I’ve neglected it for the better part of a week. I swear laundry increases exponentially when you ignore it for a day or five.

Not to break my stride, I’ll keep up with the housekeeping here.

First, I wanted to let you know that while I don’t normally blog on Saturday, I have joined in on Elle Strauss‘s First Page Blogfest. I couldn’t resist. The darn thing keeps changing, so I thought I’d appreciate hearing others’ reactions. (Especially from those of you who have read a previous version!). So I’d love it if you would weigh in . . . any comments to help me make it better would be greatly appreciated!

Second, I won a couple of awards a while ago, and I’ve been meaning to publicly thank them for a while now.

Heather at Buried in Books gave me the Versatile Blogger Award.

And Amy at The Green Bathtub gave me The Creative Blogger Award

While I don’t post pictures of awards I’ve received, I’m always so flattered when people think of me and my little blog when bestowing them. It brightens my day to know that I was being thought of in such a nice way. So THANK YOU!

I know the rules require tidbits about myself and bestowing it to others. Since I don’t have the particulars, I’ll just pretend that 5 is a good number on both counts. However, this is getting long, and I have a rule against long blogs, so you’ll have to wait until Monday. Cruel, I know. 😉

Have a great weekend!


6 Responses to “Housekeeping”

  1. Lenny Lee! says:

    hi miss janet! those are cool awards you got. you got me laughing about being cruel not to say stuff about yourself. so now we gotta wait til monday. im gonna be here for sure cause i like knowing more about my blogger friends. i hope you have a real nice weekend.
    …hugs from lenny

  2. Joanne says:

    Congrats on your Awards, always fun to receive 🙂

    Happy Weekend to you …

  3. I hear you about the housecleaning. I had lofty plans this week in that department. The only thing I managed was laundry, bathrooms, and vaccuming. 😉

  4. Candyland says:

    Woo! Congrats! Have a superfantastic weekend:)

  5. CONGRATS on your awards!

  6. Anonymous says:

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