Janet Sumner Johnson
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Elle Strauss



15, 2010 |

Filed in:


Yes, this is a lot of what I have been doing today (housekeeping), as I’ve neglected it for the better part of a week. I swear laundry increases exponentially when you ignore it for a day or five.

Not to break my stride, I’ll keep up with the housekeeping here.

First, I wanted to let you know that while I don’t normally blog on Saturday, I have joined in on Elle Strauss‘s First Page Blogfest. I couldn’t resist. The darn thing keeps changing, so I thought I’d appreciate hearing others’ reactions. (Especially from those of you who have read a previous version!). So I’d love it if you would weigh in . . . any comments to help me make it better would be greatly appreciated!

Second, I won a couple of awards a while ago, and I’ve been meaning to publicly thank them for a while now.

Heather at Buried in Books gave me the Versatile Blogger Award.

And Amy at The Green Bathtub gave me The Creative Blogger Award

While I don’t post pictures of awards I’ve received, I’m always so flattered when people think of me and my little blog when bestowing them. It brightens my day to know that I was being thought of in such a nice way. So THANK YOU!

I know the rules require tidbits about myself and bestowing it to others. Since I don’t have the particulars, I’ll just pretend that 5 is a good number on both counts. However, this is getting long, and I have a rule against long blogs, so you’ll have to wait until Monday. Cruel, I know. 😉

Have a great weekend!

Speak up:



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