Janet Sumner Johnson
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The Happy Dance!

Jun 26, 2010 Uncategorized 35 comments

Okay, okay, I’m supposed to be packing up the last of our things to be moving to our new place, and my internet will be cut off any second, . . .

BUT I peeked in my e-mail and got a little nudge from Amy over at The Green Bathtub (Thank you!) that I won the pitch contest on Renae’s blog The Siren’s Song. (!!!!!) So excited!

I couldn’t help sharing the good news with all of you (my extended support system, no?). While it’s not as exciting as, say, landing an agent or getting a book deal, it’s always encouraging to get positive feedback. I say celebrate the small steps too, so . . .

. . . I’m home, in a half-empty apartment doing my happy dance. πŸ˜€


35 Responses to β€œThe Happy Dance!”

  1. I'm excited that I'm the first to congratulate you! Your pitch is so fun. A whole ms critique by an agent? I'm so jealous. (First I'm jealous that you have a whole ms to critique in the first place. Next I'm jealous you get it critiqued.) Good luck moving.

  2. Joanne says:

    Congratulations! You must be thrilled, and yes, every step forward is a step to be celebrated … the very best wishes, with the manuscript AND the move πŸ™‚

  3. Wonderful news!!! I'd be ancing too!

  4. Myrna Foster says:

    Congrats, and good luck with your move!

  5. Congratulations, Janet! Have fun moving, too…

  6. Aubrie says:

    Wow! Will you post your pitch here so we can read it?

  7. Sandy Shin says:

    Congratulations, Janet! That is really exciting — and such a wonderful news.

    Good luck with your move!

  8. It was so weird when I saw you won, I wasn't even sad that I didn't win. Funny, huh? Yay!! Congratulations again. πŸ™‚ And, yes, every step in the right direction is definitely worth celebrating.


  9. Congrats!

    Hope the move goes well.

  10. Be proud of yourself. That's awesome! Keep dancing!

  11. Good for you! And I hope the move goes smoothly and you're soon at home in your new place.

  12. Niki says:

    Well done you :o) Good luck with the move. Oh all that unpacking!! hehe

  13. coffeelvnmom says:

    Yay! Congrats! And good luck on the move!

  14. No video of the happy dance? Oh well. Congrats on the pitch contest.

  15. WritingNut says:

    Congratulations! And good luck with your move πŸ™‚

  16. Lynn says:

    Celebrating the small steps keeps us moving. I believe that all steps should be rated the same. Good luck with your move!

  17. janet says:

    Thanks everyone! And Garrett, maybe when I get a book deal I'll do the video of the happy dance. Maybe. πŸ˜€

  18. Jenny says:

    Good for you – I am doing a little happy dance for you right now πŸ™‚

  19. Congratulations! That's definitely worthy of a celebration. Happy dance indeed!

    I love your profile pic, by the way. Where was that taken?

  20. Jen says:

    Congratulations!!! Hearing from other bloggers that they enjoyed it is also very exciting so enjoy the moment!

  21. Jill Kemerer says:

    Oh, wow! How exciting!! Happy dancing for you!

  22. Molly Hall says:

    Congratulations! I am not familiar with the contest, but pitching is HARD. So, you must be on the right track! Best of luck with the move. : )

  23. Roh Morgon says:

    Congratulations! What a great pitch (and a clever story idea)!

    Submitting a full? You must be so nervous (I would be).

    Good luck – I'll be watching for updates!

  24. I have a little something for you on my blog! Hope you have a nice day:)

  25. Julie Musil says:

    Janet, that is awesome! Yes, any bit of encouragement is great for lifting your spirits, and this lets you know you're on the right track! Good luck with your move.

  26. Congratulations, and I hope you get settled in soon.

  27. Congrats on the pitch! I noticed Julie Musil awarded you the Versatile Bloggers award too, so just thought I'd stop by and say 'Hi'. Hope all goes well with the move.

  28. Bekah says:

    Congrats! Good luck with moving- one thing I hate. Oh, it was 13 going on 30, just an extra, so it was when I was younger. LONG story. When I was in England, they also asked if I was a model, which I laughed at because I'm 5'3". I think it's just the accent LOL.
    I'll have to check those blogs out : )

  29. Very exciting. Congratulations.

  30. Congrats! You have an interesting blog, I'm glad I discovered it. πŸ™‚

  31. Congrats, Janet, on your win. I loved your pitch. And the prize is amazing. πŸ˜€

  32. Alison says:

    Congrats on the pitch. Good luck with the move. Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  33. Tabitha Bird says:

    Congrats to you πŸ™‚
    Happy dance away πŸ™‚

  34. Woo HOOO! Well done! I hate pitches and bow to all those who do them well. ;D So what next?

  35. Keri says:

    That's brilliant about your win! Congrats. β™₯

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