And the winner is . . .
Congratulations!! You’ve won a pre-order of Amy Sonnichsen’s RED BUTTERFLY, which is set to release Feb. 3, 2015.
I have sent an email, and I’ll get you all set up as soon as I have your address.
Hope you all have a great Monday!
In case you haven’t noticed, I recently crossed the landmark number of 101 followers. Woo hoo!! Thanks everyone! I appreciate your willingness to hang out with me in the cybersphere.
Of course this calls for a give-away of some sort. My blogging friend Jessie Oliveros at Louder Than Noise is on the brink of 101. And since I think this whole blogging things is about connecting and building relationships, we are going to share the love and do a contest together as soon as she hits that magic number, too. We’ll have great prizes, but you’ll have to be a follower of BOTH blogs to enter. So if you don’t follow Jessie, pop on over and make her acquaintance, and you’ll be all set for our soon-to-come giveaway!
So in OTHER good news, I have finished my book! Not just the first draft, but like the 600th (okay, maybe a wee bit of exaggeration there, but it feels like that). Hurray, hurray! Now, if I could just finish that synopsis . . .
Seriously! If I can write this how-many-page book, why can’t I write a stinkin’ synopsis? Does anyone else struggle with this? Suzie Townsend is my new hero because here’s her take on the subject:
“Don’t worry about sending a synopsis – they’re evil.”
How can you help but admire such wisdom?