Janet Sumner Johnson
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Wisdom of a Five-year-old

Oct 29, 2010 Uncategorized 22 comments

“The first rule of the game is to not get killed by the bad guys. Cause if you get killed, you’re dead. And that’s bad.”

Happy Halloween everyone! Have a great weekend, and don’t get sick eating too much candy. (It’s the mom in me. I have to say it!) πŸ˜€


22 Responses to β€œWisdom of a Five-year-old”

  1. That is great advice. I'm going to be extra careful now.

  2. Can't argue with that logic! I wish I'd written more of my children's best lines down.

    If you get a chance, stop by my blog "Substitute Teacher's Saga". From 10/28-11/1 I'm hosting a Halloween Haunting. There are prizes!

  3. Melissa says:

    BEAUTIFUL Advice!!! HAHA, I just love this!

  4. Christopher says:

    ha, how profound!

    i'm going to go fill my bath tub with snickers bars now

  5. Emy Shin says:

    Awesome advice. The only one you'll ever need!

  6. Joanne says:

    The weather here is supposed to be clear and chilly, perfect for the trick or treaters … Wishing you a Happy Halloween too!

  7. Shallee says:

    Lol, that is awesome! It sounds like something my nephew would say.

  8. Yeah, good logic. Living: good. Dying: bad. But at least if you're dead you're not awake to know you're dead, right?

  9. Laurel says:

    Love it. I hope you're writing down all these great lines to show him when he's all grown up.

    Surely I'm not the only mom who has already started nibbling on the candy we bought to hand out? πŸ˜€

  10. Lenny Lee! says:

    hi miss janet! yep getting dead is bad for sure. πŸ™‚ i cant wait to go trick or treating! im gonna be a hippy guy. i hope you have a real fun weekend.
    …happy halloween hugs from lenny

  11. Bekah says:

    That is too funny! Maybe we should listen more to what kids say

  12. Bridge Marie says:

    Hah, I love that logic!

  13. I love this. It's amazing what kids come up with. They definitely get to the point.
    I'm haunting you from Theresa's blog. Thanks for the scare.
    Have a great weekend.

  14. Ah, the wisdom of children!! I think that quote applies to life too. πŸ˜‰

  15. Haunting you from Theresa's blog. I write MG and picture books.

    Happy Halloween Bwa ha ha ha πŸ™‚ (Be afraid! Be very Afraid!)

  16. storyqueen says:

    Best advice I've heard all week!


  17. Amie Kaufman says:

    Very hard to argue with that!

  18. Five year olds are awesome. I wish we could all think so concretely. πŸ™‚


  19. Summer Ross says:

    "BOO" hey there here to haunt you and follow you. This was a great post- I have two little girls so i completely understand where this is coming from.
    Have a great weekend!

  20. What awesome wisdom from a five-year-old!

    Happy Halloween!

  21. Vicki Rocho says:

    Best advice I've heard! Love the things that tumble out of kids' mouths!

  22. Excellent advice, indeed.

    Gotta love kids!

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