Janet Sumner Johnson
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The Hunger Games

La la la la la! I Can’t Hear You.


26, 2012 |

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I feel like I’m one of the few people who did not get to go see The Hunger Games this weekend. Even my brother went to the Midnight Opening . . . my brother!

So today, knowing that there will be a wash of blog posts and tweets exclaiming how much they loved it, I am simply going to plug my ears and pretend I can’t hear you.

Because even though I may have read the books, I don’t want to hear too much about the movie before I’ve seen it. I like to be surprised.

It’s an -ism. I totally admit that.

I’m the same way with books. I don’t want to hear anything beyond the blurb before I read. Unlike my mom who actually skips to the end to read that first. Crazy.

So how about you? Do you read the ending first? Or do you  prefer the blank slate method?

Speak up:



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