Janet Sumner Johnson
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Finding Our Own Path


11, 2015 |

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I have this daughter.

I love her for so many reasons that I couldn’t possibly tell you about all of them. But one thing I will tell you about is her individuality. I love this chica because she is her own self. And she is not afraid of being her own self.

For example. This is her at her last soccer game:

I’ll be honest, I am so used to her being her, that I didn’t even think twice about her skirt until everyone commented on it.

And then there was this Word Find that came home in her folder:

I kind of really love that with the top one, if she had gone straight, she had the word. But that’s not how she saw things. Why make a straight line when you can jump over a letter and get something far more interesting?

She is such an example to me. An example of being true to yourself. An example of finding your own path, even when the world would send you another direction.

As writers, sometimes we forget that. We try to write what everyone else is writing. We try to imitate another author’s style. We focus on what might be big (according to the world) instead of staying true to ourselves. Our own ideas. Our own passions.

It’s easy to get caught up. But it’s better to be ourselves. It’s better to let our individual uniqueness shine like a pink tulle skirt in a soccer game.

Because seriously, who doesn’t secretly envy that girl? Wish they were brave enough to do it, too.

So how are you letting your personality shine? I’d love to hear. 🙂

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