Janet Sumner Johnson
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Shiny New Idea

Life of a Shiny New Idea (in pictures)


27, 2013 |

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Once upon a time, a shiny new idea popped into my head, and I was like:

And to all my friends I was like, “Yeah, I got a shiny new idea.”:

But then I had to think a lot:

And I was like, “I thought shiny new ideas came all assembled!”:

But I wrote and I wrote until I was like:

And, “Squirrel!”:

And “Oooh! Housecleaning!”:

I was going to get back to it, but then I saw this book that looked MUCH more interesting than mine:

And wait, “Is that another squirrel?”:

And then Darling Husband asked how my book was coming, and I’m like, “GET OFF MY BACK, I’ll get to it!”:

“I just really like housecleaning.”:

And then I’m like, “What am I saying?”:

“There are way better ways to waste my time!”:

So how do ya’ll stay on task?

Speak up:



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