Janet Sumner Johnson
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question tag

I’ve Been Tagged!


03, 2011 |

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Medeia Sharif (whose debut book Bestest. Ramadan. Ever. comes out this Summer) tagged me last week, so here we go!

Do you think you’re hot?
When I’m outside in the 105-degree, humidity, I KNOW I’m hot. But being the cold-blooded creature I am, most of the time I’m cold. I’m in sweaters when normal people are turning on the air-conditioning.
Oh wait . . . did I answer the wrong question?
Upload a picture or wall paper you are using at the moment.
It’s one of the pictures on the slide-show that came with my computer. I grew up with mountains, and miss them tons.
When was the last time you ate chicken meat?
For lunch. Yummm . . .
The Song(s) you listened to recently?
My Wish by Rascal Flatts
Home by Michael Bublé
When I Get Where I’m Going by Brad Paisley
What were you thinking as you were doing this?
I’m so glad Medeia tagged me because now I don’t have to think of something to post about.
Do you have nicknames?
I do, and I am so not going to write them here. 😀
Tag eight Blogger friends.
(You are it!)
1. Bethany
2. Melissa
3. Jessie
4. Cynthia
5. Beth
6. Angela
7. Jemi
8. Stina
Who’s listed as number one?
Bethany Yeager at Ink-Splattered. I love her fascination with Zelda.
Say something about number 5.
Her baking posts always make me drool. Her travel posts always make me want to see the world.
How did you get to know number 3?
I don’t remember exactly, but she was one of my earlier followers and she was so fun I asked her to celebrate getting 101 followers with me since we were at about the same number.
How about number 4?
She found my blog when Medeia tagged me, so I thought it fitting to tag her.
Leave a message for number 6.
I know you were already tagged, but since I love your blog and poetry so much I had to tag you anyway. But you don’t have to do it again. And P.S. we still need to meet in person!
Leave a lovey-dovey message for number 2.
Roses are Red.
Violets are Blue.
When I go to New York,
I’m SO calling you.
I am SUCH a poet. 😀

Do number 7 and number 8 have any similarities?

Yes, they are both Canadian. I love Canadians! Shall we have buns for dinner? 😀

And P.S. I’ll be interviewing Molly Jaffa, an agent with Folio Jr., on my blog next Friday! Don’t miss it!

Speak up:



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Awards, Tags, and Stuff


12, 2010 |

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Last Chance to enter my Kick-off Fiesta is today! Easy peasy contest . . . just go leave a comment on that post. You don’t want to miss your chance to win some Willy Wonka chocolate which might hold a Golden Ticket! Entries end tonight, Wednesday, May 12 at midnight EDT.

So in other news, I have been inaugurated into the blogging world with my first award. Woo hoo! Lydia Kang gave me the Beautiful Blogger Award. Go check out her blog. She’s a lot of fun, and she does a Medical Monday where she describes bizarre medical disorders (she’s also a doctor). One of my favorite features!

So in the spirit of the award, I pass it on to:

Jessie Oliveros
B.J Anderson
Stephanie Thornton
Beth Revis

And I was also tagged by Laurel to answer some questions. So here goes:

Where were you five years ago?
-Living in Kansas City where my husband had just finished his first year of medical school.
-One child (and I thought THAT was hard!)
-Attending my first SCBWI conference and getting my first manuscript critique from an editor (Let’s just say that I haven’t touched that ms since then).
-Joining my first critique group.

Where would you like to be in five years?
-Living closer to family with my husband OUT of residency and fellowships.
-Agented, published, and able to spend more time on writing.

What is on your to-do list today?
-Write this blog.
-Pick up my oldest from kindergarten.
-Take care of two cuties.
-Edit my almost-ready WIP.
-Critique some chapters for my critique group.

What snacks do you enjoy?
-Little Debbie’s Oatmeal Cream Pies
-And wait, did I say cereal?

What five things would you do if you were a billionaire?
-Pay off student loans.
-Buy a house.
-Start a scholarship fund for my kids and extended family.
-Start a publishing company.
-Spend some time traveling and doing charitable work abroad.
-Boy, there’s too many things to list, but I’d love to do payback within the writing community.

I pass this on to the following bloggers:
Tricia J. O’Brien
Noelle Nolan
Becca Rogers
Karen Zupancic

So just looking at my crazy days . . . what would you do with a full day to yourself? And since we’re most of us writers, let’s assume we’re NOT going to write. I think I’d go for a long walk. Maybe go visit some museums. Find a partner to play some tennis. Go shopping!

Speak up:


