Janet Sumner Johnson
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Percy Jackson

And now, a word from your audience . . .


30, 2011 |

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So I am gone. Yup, gone, as in off to France (Again! I know!). But, my super amazing niece and nephew are here with my in-laws to take care of my family. And as they are the target audience for many of us, I just may have begged a little for them to fill in for me.

So first, here’s my 12-year-old niece, a.k.a. Binks, on her favorite book/author and why:

My favorite author is Rick Riordan the author of the Percy Jackson and The Olympians, The Kane series, and The Lost Hero. My favorite part is all the action and the Greek and Roman and Egyptian Gods. I love that he can teach all about the Greek cultures. I didn’t know a lot about any of these cultures but now I know a lot.

My most favorite book is The Lost Hero. It’s really cool because it teaches a lot about both Roman and Greek gods. It has a lot of action too.

 P.S. Since Monday is the 4th of July, I won’t be posting then, but look for my nephew’s commentary on the 7th. Happy 4th!

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