Janet Sumner Johnson
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You Showed Me!


29, 2010 |

Filed in:


I can’t remember why Brandt was mad, but here’s the conversation:

Brandt:  I’m mad at you mom!

Me:  It’s dinner time. Come eat.

Brandt:  I’m NOT eating!

Me:  Fine. Come watch the rest of us eat, because it’s dinnertime and you will sit with us.

Brandt:  [arms crossed, sending daggers my way, stomps to the table] I’m NOT . . .

Then he saw what was on his plate. He threw me a furious look and tried again.

Brandt:  I’m ONLY eating my fish, and my broccoli, and drinking my drink. That’s ALL I’m eating!

Me:  Okay, Brandt. You win. You just eat that.

Speak up:



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