Janet Sumner Johnson
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Janette Rallison



13, 2010 |

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I want to thank everyone for stopping in and entering my Kick-off Fiesta, and especially those of you who spread the word. Hey, twenty entries is a GREAT start for my first week! And wow, who knew that a guilt complex came with choosing a winner (even when I didn’t do the actual choosing)?

So, according to random.org, here are the winners:

1st Prize: One copy of Children’s Writer’s and Illustrator’s Market.

Stina Lindenblatt

2nd Prize: One copy of Janette Rallison’s book Fame, Glory, and Other Things on My To Do List.

Jessie Oliveros

3rd Prize: Two Willy Wonka Chocolate Bars with, count them, TWO chances to win a Golden Ticket.

Sharon K. Mayhew

Congratulations! And come back soon ya’ll, ya hear?

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Kick-off Fiesta!


05, 2010 |

Filed in:


As promised, to kick-off my blog, a writerly give-away. Hurray for free stuff!

To enter, all you have to do is be a follower and leave a comment on THIS blog entry. Easy peasy. If you care to spread it around, you get total brown-noser points. But it won’t earn extra entries in this random drawing of names.

So the prizes:

1st Prize: A copy of Children’s Writer’s and Illustrator’s Market

If you already have it, or don’t need it, mention it in the comments, and I’ll make sure you don’t win it.

So this book is what started me on the path. After I finished writing my first book, my husband gave it to me for my birthday, and I’ve been learning ever since. Wow, I was so ignorant back then, but more on that next time. I definitely recommend it for all starting out children’s writers.

2nd Prize: A copy of Fame, Glory, and Other Things on My To Do List by Janette Rallison. Here’s the description from Ms. Rallison’s website:

A PC school principal turns West Side Story into a comedy of errors.

Sixteen-year-old Jessica dreams of Hollywood fame, and when Jordan moves into her small town, she dreams of him, too. He’s a movie star’s son, and hey, he’s gorgeous to boot. Jordan has always wanted to get out from the shadow cast by his superstar father, but now that he and his mother have moved so far away from LA, how can he get his divorced parents back together? Jessica convinces Jordan the way to get his father to come for a long visit is to be a part of the school play. And if she’s “discovered” in the process, all the better. Things go wrong when she lets Jordan’s secret identity slip, and grow even more disastrous when the principal tries to change West Side Story into a gang free, violence-free, politically correct production. 

Seriously, I was crying from laughing so hard. I confess, I had my doubts when I started it, but I liked her other stuff, and so I tried it. SO glad I did. Fun, hilarious read. Just so you know, it’s paperback, but only because it’s not available in hardback.

3rd Prize: Of course I saved the best for last. CHOCOLATE! And not just any chocolate. This is Willy Wonka chocolate with not just one, but TWO chances to find a Golden Ticket and win a trip around the world!

I know, I know! It’s all I can do not to rip them open right now! Whoever wins will have to report back on whether they found a Golden Ticket or not. 😉

You all have until midnight EDT on Wednesday, May 12th to enter. Happy hunting!

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