Janet Sumner Johnson
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Dear Moms


23, 2020 |

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An open letter to all moms everywhere.

Dear Moms,

These past couple of weeks have brought change that would bring a piggy bank to its knees. I’ve been scrambling, along with every other mom I know, to figure out not only a new schedule for myself, but for my kids, too.

I’ve seen amazingly helpful posts like THIS ONE by Patricia Bailey. I’ve seen lists of great activities to keep kids reading like THIS ONE put together by Kate Messner. And wow, there have been so many people jump in to offer advice and schedules. And basically, people are good and helpful. I’ve loved seeing all the helpers jumping in.

But moms, just a little reminder that we are only human. If you are plowing through, and feeling great about how it’s going, that’s wonderful! But if you are struggling, and ready to tear your hair out, and on the verge of tears . . . you know what? You are not alone.

My kids and I had some really great moments this last week, but we also had some really bad ones. In between the laughs, and the hikes, and the movie nights, we had raised voices. We had tears. We had breakdowns.

Please, cut yourselves a little slack. Remember that we are going through a global crisis that no one could have forseen (well, except those dystopian authors. They saw it all). If watching TV and eating cookies is what works for you, do it! If letting your kids play Minecraft for a few hours is what you need to maintain your sanity, do it! So what if Karen is plowing through her color-coded chart? Karen is not you. That is Karen’s way of coping. You do you.

These are tough times. But know I’m rooting for you! I’m rooting for us all. We will get through this, and we will be stronger.

All the air hugs to you and yours. And remember . . . you’re doing great!

Take care,


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