Janet Sumner Johnson
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Dieter F. Uchtdorf

On Doubt


07, 2013 |

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Today I wanted to share a quote that I found inspiring:

“Doubt your doubts before you doubt your faith.” -Dieter F. Uchtdorf

The business of becoming an author is almost as much about learning to deal with rejection as it is about learning to write. Rejection from agents. Rejection from editors. Rejection from readers.

It is no wonder that doubts creep in: Is my writing good enough? Do I have what it takes to continue? Do I have any ideas worth sharing with the world?

And really this is what it all comes down to. Our success is not so much based on our inherent ability, but on our determination to keep trying even when we doubt. Even when it seems impossible. Even when it feels like the world is telling us to quit.

We must cling to the faith we have in ourselves. The faith that our hard work and determination can conquer any odds.

We CAN’T let doubt pull us down. Because we CAN do this!

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