Janet Sumner Johnson
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crossword puzzles

A Talent I Don’t Have


16, 2015 |

Filed in:


Words. I love them.







Simple words with fun sounds. And oh don’t get me started on cognates and lexical gaps and all the fun things that amuse me because I’m a language geek. I LOVE WORDS! Let me shout it out from the rooftops!

So you’d think, given all that, that I’d be a fabulous cross-worder. You’d think.

Every now and then I dive into the foray of a puzzle because I’m certain this time will be different. Except it never is. <sigh> And I’m scratching out letters, and sneaking cheating peeks at the answers until I bang the magazine shut. Because who thought that was a good clue anyway?!? No one could have guessed that!

And so I move on in frustration, swearing them off forever. Or at least until the next time . . . When the glorious blank spaces call out to me and the need to find a pen (always a pen!) overcomes.

It’s complicated.

And all this makes me think. Have you ever let a character struggle with something that by all rights should have come easy?

Hmmm . . . and now if you’ll excuse me, I have some revising to do.

Speak up:



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