Thank you for all the questions! I appreciate your patience with my brief episode of Tabula Rasa-itis. So here we go:
Justine Dell asked: What is your biggest fear? And don’t say something lame like spiders or something.
It’s a good thing you clarified, because I TOTALLY would have put spiders. 🙂 But beyond those, I would have to say my biggest fear is split in two:
Joanne asked: If you didn’t write, what would you do creatively?
Hmmm . . . this is a hard question because there are so many ways to answer it. I actually love music and play the piano and (dabble in the guitar), but I don’t have the discipline to practice enough to become good. So while I’d do it for fun, I don’t think it could ever fill in for writing.
And I’ve always wished I had any talent in illustration, but alas, ’tis not my lot. BUT, if we’re talking about an imaginery world here where all things are possible, then this would be it. I’d be an artist for sure! Oil paintings and maybe water colors. 🙂
Stina Lindenblatt, after acusing Justine of cheating, asked: What is the thing you like best about writing fiction?
Honestly, it’s getting lost in another world. I’ve always been a daydreamer (and I was master of doing it without getting caught in school), so I suppose it was a natural shift to write fiction. But who doesn’t want to escape their reality at some point for a more exciting place where you are important or even essential to the well-being of the world? The possibilities are endless! It’s why I’ll be writing for the rest of forever even if I never do get published.
Jackee took the liberty of asking two questions (such presumption!): What would be your ideal writing life?
I’m a little torn about this question because my ideal writing life would probably exclude all of my current life. But see, then it wouldn’t be ideal anymore. So trying to strike a balance . . .
Question #2: When did you first know you wanted to write? (But not necessarily get published).
I think the first hint that I enjoyed it was in High School. I sent an outline for a Disney-ified version of The Pied Piper to The Walt Disney Co. 😀
Oh, yes I did. I knew nothing about query letters or anything, and I didn’t even want to get paid. I just wanted my idea to be the next Disney animated feature-film. I still have the response they sent stating that The Walt Disney Co. does not read outside ideas. My un-read letter was included in the package. Really, I’m quite proud of my first rejection. 🙂
So I have this personal rule about long blogs . . . I try to avoid them. And this is getting long, so I will have to respond to these in batches. No worries, if you asked a question, I’ll link back to your blog (if I have your link) and respond. I promise.
Wow, your ideal writing life sounds…"ideal"–especially the longer day. LOL
Fun questions. 🙂
I love your answers, Janet, especially the part about you would still be writing even if you're never published. I feel the same way. I'd feel lost if it weren't for writing stories (in novel length).
And I love your idea writing life. My would include not needing to sleep. Such a waste of time, especially since I down dream about plot or character ideas.
Great questions and answers! Getting lost in another world is the fantastic thing about writing, isn't it? I love that!
Children waiting patiently while you finish a chapter . . . hmmmm, sounds like a dream come true. I'm with you, that would be great!
I like your creative choices, if you didn't write. There seem to be so many parallels that cross over between the arts, in the actual creation process. I remember painting a watercolor painting back in high school, and just loving it. But sadly, I haven't painted since.
I loved your perfect day! I can see why you write fiction and painting is a dream career. Your daydreams are vivid with colourful detail!
I love your answers! I think that's how you know you're a real writer…when you'd write even if you weren't published. Nice.
And I can relate to being a list girl!
Enjoyed getting to know you better 🙂 And your ideal writing life–26 hour days and a maid to keep the house clean? When you figure that out, let us all know!
Great questions — and answers! I'm looking forward to reading the rest.
Great answers. I agree with lots you've said. A woman after my own heart.
Great to get to know your better. :O)
Awesome stuff! Glad to get to know you a bit better!
Hi Janet – fullsome answers .. the longer day, I'm not sure about the maid but I agree I'd need cleaning up .. creativity .. art, music, horse-riding .. all things I'm not good at .. but opportunities to learn and enjoy trying. Certainly know you a little better .. Cheers – Hilary
If I didn't write I don't think I'd be very creative at all. I really don't have any talent for any of the other arts.