Janet Sumner Johnson
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Waiting vs. Patience

Sep 17, 2010 Uncategorized 14 comments

Today’s a quickie. I found this quote that I thought perfectly describes the whole writer’s journey:

“Patience [is] far more than simply waiting for something to happen—patience require[s] actively working toward worthwhile goals and not getting discouraged when results didn’t appear instantly or without effort.”

~Dieter F. Uchtdorf


14 Responses to “Waiting vs. Patience”

  1. Elder Uchtdorf's talks are always among my favorites in conference.

  2. Sandy Shin says:

    I love that quote! 🙂

  3. Julie Dao says:

    Wonderful – thanks for sharing!

  4. coffeelvnmom says:

    So true. Good inspiration, Janet! =)

  5. Another one to tattoo to my arm. I'm going to run out of space!

    Thanks for the motivational quote, Janet! Have a great weekend.


  6. Ooooh. Nice kick in the pants, there. ;D Thanks!

  7. Angela M. says:

    So on the money! But it really is too bad we can't just sit back and wait. Sometimes I just need to do nothing and be lazy. Guess it doesn't get me anything but well-rested though 😉

  8. Lynn says:

    I love that quote Janet. I'm adding it to my quote journal right now!

  9. That's a good one. I'm going to read it to my husband right now.

  10. Amen.

    This is now one of my favorite writer quotes. 🙂

  11. Gail says:

    Love this quote!! Will put it by my computer!!!

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