Janet Sumner Johnson
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People Watching (via license plates?)


09, 2011 |

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I’ve got cars on my mind this month. Everywhere I go, I see clever personalized plates, and I have to share a few. It’s fascinating to see what people want to share about themselves to strangers.

MEEOW4 (Think this person has a thing for cats?)

HUGGGS (Lenny, I thought of you)

AWSUM1 (Loads of self-confidence here)

2SLFSH (Proud of their flaws? But hey, at least they’re self-aware!)

PAIRDOX (I could read this two ways . . . They own two doxen’s, OR they are a clever English major and it means ‘paradox.’ What do you think?)

MS ROBO (Is this kind of like the Stepford Wives?)

STYXCHK (A girl who likes the band Styx)

SHAMROQ (I’m betting this person is originally from Ireland)

RED BUG (I thought about doing the guess the car with this, but yeah)

However, here’s a license plate where I’d love to hear your guesses. It totally made me giggle. 😀 So give me the make, model and color, and the person with the most correct information wins their favorite candy bar: 


(I’ll give you a hint. Google a picture of Z06 if you don’t know what one is.) And if you haven’t voted on the latest This vs. That poll, I’d love it if you did! 😉

Speak up:



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