So I did it. I finally took the plunge and signed up for a Twitter account.
For the past month now, I have been peeking in, scrolling through the tweets and trying to figure out what in the world half of them are saying. Perhaps I should have read “Twitter for Dummies” (that’s got to exist, right?) before launching in.
I think I got the @ symbols, but the pound signs? Or are they called hashtags (hash tags; hash-tags; hatch tags; has tags; has-been tags; has-anyone-got-a-clue tags)? Twitter groups perhaps?
Not to mention coming into a thread halfway through a conversation. There’s got to be a way to read what someone responded/replied to, right?
And lists . . . groups with shared interest? But then what about the hash tages? Plus I’m not sure I get the purpose just yet. Though I’m sure there is one. There’s gotta be.
Alas. So much information. So much I don’t know.
This is, of course, where you come in. Shoot me your best piece of Twitter advice. Please? Pretty please with a strawberry (much better than a cherry) and fresh-whipped cream on top? And fine, if you insist I’ll throw in the chocolate syrup.
Because I need it (I mean your advice, not the chocolate syrup). I need you! Explain this Twitter-verse to me.
And oh yeah. I’m @MsVerbose if you wondered.