Ready Player One
In December I read a book called Ready Player One by Ernest Cline.
It takes place in a not-so-distant futuristic United States where most people spend the bulk of their time in OASIS, which is a virtual on-line world. Think virtual reality helmets, only cooler.
In this book, James Halliday, the co-inventor of OASIS and lover of all things 80’s, dies and leaves a virtual easter egg for someone to find which will give them control of Halliday’s company. The better you know your 80’s culture, the better your chance of finding it.
As you can guess, it’s a deadly fight to the end, but I won’t spoil the fun.
What I really loved about this book was the nostaligic romp through the culture of my childhood. It made me want my Atari system back to see if I could still win at Pac-man with my joystick upside down. For all you kids out there who don’t remember this stuff, that’s how we made video games exciting back then.
So no, I won’t torture you with a run-down of all the things I miss from my childhood (leg-warmers, big hair, and hammer pants . . . yeah, go google that if you don’t know what I’m talking about. You won’t regret it). BUT, I will tell you that when I discovered packs of Garbage Pail Kids at the local Five Below, I snatched some up. Double packs, because I knew I’d have to share these with my bloggy friends.
I chose a tame one for you to view, and I have to confess, they can be kindof disgusting, but these things were BIG. I’m talking B-I-G! If you didn’t have these to trade, you could plan on spending your recesses with the outcasts. Not that I condone that sort of behavior, of course, just telling it like it was.
So here’s the contest part:
Share one thing you’re nostalgic for from your childhood, and I’ll enter you into the drawing. Two lucky winners will get a pack of Garbage Pail Kids in the mail.
Aren’t you all dying of excitement?! I thought about offering the “Jem and the Holograms, Season 1” DVD-set I found, but I knew I could never part with it. *Sigh of happy nostalgia*
Last day to enter is Saturday, February 18th, by midnight EST.
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Ernest Cline,
Garbage Pail Kids,
Ready Player One