Janet Sumner Johnson
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Rachel Harrie

Platform-building Campaign


30, 2011 |

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Hi all! Just a quick pause from the Apples to Apples Contest for a brief public service announcement . . . 

After watching the first two Platform-building Campaigns over at Rachel Harrie’s blog, Rach Writes, I’ve decided to finally join in. They have been amazingly successful under Rach’s watchful eye.

You have until August 31st to join, so if you are interested in building your platform and helping others build theirs, head on over to her site to see what it entails. Just click here for the information. 🙂

And for any other campaigners out there, I look forward to meeting you!

Finally, don’t forget, you have until Sunday, 4 September 2011 to enter a response on any of the Apples to Apples Contest days. I’m loving your cleverness!

Speak up:


