So last month I came down with this nasty cold that not only left me miserable, but completely stole my voice. I could barely even whisper. It was crazy! Alas, a mom’s job is never done, so I couldn’t just stay home. After dropping my boys off at Tae Kwon Do, I took Girlie to gymnastics and found a spot on the bleachers where I could sit on my own and not have to talk.
I pulled out my phone and there it was. An email from my agent.
My stomach flip-flopped. I stared at it, debating if I should open it right then or just wait.
But I’m a firm believer in ripping bandaids off fast. Just get it over with.
Deep breath. I tapped the phone.
I read the short note. Read it again.
“You have an offer!”
I wanted to scream, but of course I couldn’t. I texted my husband, and instantly my phone rang. I totally had to decline the call. Stupid monster, voice-stealing cold!
But guys!!! That gif up there has been me ever since. Every time I remember the news again.
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Book deal,
lost voice,