Janet Sumner Johnson
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Brawl ‘n Haul Contest: Mock Me Monday


28, 2011 |

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Today is the day! The Brawl begins. If you haven’t heard, The FABULOUS Vicki at Rambles and Randomness and I are hosting the Brawl ‘n Haul contest this week.  We brawl and you haul away the loot!

Vicki and I will duke it out Monday through Thursday in some wacky contests, and you guys decide who wins. That’s right, you! 

Each day, one lucky commenter on the winning blog will win a prize, and at the end of the week, we have not one, but TWO Grand Prizes to award. And every comment this week (on both blogs) is worth one entry, so comment away!

Grand Prize # 1:
A ten-page critique from the fabulous Sarah LaPolla of Curtis Brown! (Note: Your ten pages must be for a YA or Adult work)

Grand Prize #2:
An exciting themed gift basket including a $40 gift certificate to Amazon!

Every good contest needs some rules, so here are ours:


  1. You must be a follower of both blogs
  2. When you comment, let us know if you prefer Grand Prize #1 – 10-page critique by Sarah LaPolla (Note: your ten pages must be for a YA or Adult work) or Grand Prize #2 – A Prize-filled Gift Basket
  3. You can earn 5 bonus entries for the grand prize by spreading the word in any way shape or form (twitter, blogs, facebook, sidebar, etc.)
  4. This is open internationally! Woo hoo!
  5. Contest Closes Saturday 2 April at midnight EST. All winners will be announced Monday, 4 April 

Okay, as Jillian Michaels would say, “Enough talking! Let’s do this thing!”

So Vicki totally has the advantage on Mock Me Monday, since she’s been doing this weekly for a year now. To make sure my moment was mock-worthy enough, I tested a few on my husband, and this one finally got a belly laugh. I’m feeling confident!
(Note: No husbands were harmed in the testing of these mock-me moments.)

When I was 12ish, my family had just gotten back from Church and we were all foraging in the kitchen. I had grabbed a glass of milk (yeah, you see where this is going) to go with my toast.

Just as I took a long drink, my brother made some absurd comment. I knew I was in trouble.

The smart thing to do would have been to spit the milk back into my glass. But ewww! That would ruin the rest of the milk, and how wasteful is that?

And I didn’t want to just spit because I knew my mom would be M-A-D.

So what did I do?

Wait for it . . .

I looked up.

Yep. Krakatoa II.

Milk exploded upward and came pouring down. All. Over. Me.

On the bright side, I didn’t get in trouble because the whole family was too busy rolling on the ground, laughing. And yeah, that would be AT me, not with.

Now, be sure and go read Vicki’s Mock-me moment, vote there, then come back and vote here, because a winner will be chosen from the comments on only the winning blog!

Speak up:



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